Kite Programming Language

kite-llvm 0.2.0 released

Written by Mooneer Salem on Wednesday 26th of December, 2012 in Releases

kitellvm 0.2.0 has been released.

Changes from 0.1.0:

  • Now uses the same Flex/Bison based parser that nonLLVM Kite uses, significantly improving compile time. 100% of Kite syntax can now be parsed as well.
  • Added string|format to the standard library.
  • kdoc (System.doc) support and prerequisite System.object methods now fully functional.
  • eval statement now supported (e.g. eval 1|print;).
  • Code versioning support from nonLLVM Kite is now active.
  • Fixed compile errors on some systems.

Github (development/issue tracking):

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