0.6.9 Dec 16, 2016 * ignore ENOENT from initial make 0.6.8 Feb 14, 2014 * Fix --destdir option to work with Module::Build::Tiny 0.6.7 May 21, 2013 * installed packages and dependency fix 0.6.6 Mar 12, 2011 * changed default package extension to txz * added option for setting package extension 0.6.5 Jan 04, 2009 * added David Unric's patch for localized error checking via Errno 0.6.4 Dec 31, 2008 * fixed incorrect return value from CPAN::*::make when YAML or YAML::Syck is in use 0.6.3 Dec 19, 2008 * updated dependency parsing for new CPAN.pm in 12.2 0.6.2 Feb 27, 2007 * Exit on installpkg error * Fix for using --ingnoreinstalled with packages w/o dependencies (thanks Cedric Ferry) * Fix for Bundle:: and Distribution:: modules 0.6.1 Nov 11, 2006 * /usr/bin permission fix for package build script 0.6 May 27, 2006 * added --build-number option (see docs) * fixed architecture detection by examining unpacked module source directory. * added --build-tag option (see docs) * added --upgrade-all option (see docs) * made --install and --recursive the default, changed options to --no-install and --no-recursive * fixed bug with newer CPAN.pm's returning undef from prereq_pm() 0.5 Dec 04, 2005 * updated buildslackpkg.sh script to double check the presence of perllocal.pod * correctly handle modules that do not create perllocal.pod files * added support for Build.PL based modules * updated the README 0.4 Sep 13, 2005 * re-added --pkgdir, updated POD documentation * do not install installed packages when ingoreinstalled is not set 0.3 Feb 07, 2005 * fixed minimum MakeMaker requirement * added Slackware 10.0 Perl to slack-required * added ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.25 as PREREQ_PM * added FAQ concerning ExtUtils::MakeMaker DESTDIR support for Slackware 9.1 and below. 0.2 Nov 17, 2004 * fixed slack-required generated list to show the actual package names as created, like perl-timedate instead of perl-date-parse and perl-time-zone * fixed bug where -ignoreinstalled was being ignored * enforced that the same package cannot be handled twice in one session, which causes CPAN.pm to complain and abort. * -recursive now only installs the module when --install is specified * inverted meaning of ignoreinstalled, so now ignoreinstalled will build up to date packages for modules already present on the system * added check to skip dependency when required module is contained within the Perl source * generate the doinst.sh to fix perllocal.pod by concatenating it's contents from doinst.sh and removing it from the build directory before the pkg is made * fixed dependency names for Perl modules to follow perl-${module/::/-} * always list perl as a dependency in generated package * formatting updates of system() calls 0.1 Nov 16, 2004 * moved manpage into inline pod within cpan2tgz script. MakeMaker will generate the man pages from here * added Makefile.PL and MANIFEST * --ignoreinstalled now truncates dependency list * added --install option * added manpage * binary packages are now generated with arch from perl -V:archname * added -ignoreinstalled option * added -recursive option * filled out usage information * initial version