Manage your photo library with Piwigo

Piwigo is open source photo management software. Manage, organize and share your photo easily on the web. Designed for organisations, teams and individuals.

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version 14.4.0 5 days ago

Piwigo 14.4.0 5 days ago

Latest activity 4 days 1 hour ago

Thousands of organizations and millions of individuals love using Piwigo

Why choose Piwigo?

High Volume

Piwigo shines when it comes to classifying thousands or even hundreds of thousands of photos.


Born in 2002, Piwigo has been supporting its users for more than 22 years. Always evolving!

Open Source

Source code is available, editable, auditable and extendable thanks to plugins and themes.

Beautiful photo galleries created with Piwigo

Océanopolis Brest
Photothèque Touristique du Lot
Société des 3 vallées
NOWinBRAIN - Nowinski Brain Image Gallery

They love Piwigo


We have been using Piwigo since 2011 and we are fully satisfied with it. Piwigo really meets our needs, especially thanks to the fine management of user permissions, because we are 30 people using the tool. I also appreciate the ease of use, the quality of the support, and the fact that it is an open source product, which was for us a choice criterion.

Stéphanie Corfec, Agence D’Urbanisme Brest Bretagne

Public sector France

I discovered Piwigo 3 years ago and, since the beginning, it was a pleasant surprise. I am using it for my private photos database on a Synology NAS, around 340 GB and 70.000 pics. Piwigo it works like a charm and it is very customizable. Due to NAS hardware limitations, I prefer to generate the thumbnails outside of Piwigo. Piwigo doesn't have a rival! Thank you, Piwigo Team!

Ştefan-Liviu Ene

Photographers & individuals Romania

With Piwigo, all of our Siblu brand graphic elements are accessible and available for our 19 campsites in France. This is a real time saving for all teams. Piwigo offers an easy-to-use and very useful classification tool, which enables us to quickly find photos or videos thanks to tags, albums or comments.

Émilie Sancéau, Siblu

Tourism & Culture France

Thanks to Piwigo I have been able to manage, organize and share my entire gallery of photo albums according to my needs. And all with just a few clicks. Brutal!

lbert Parera

Photographers & individuals Spain

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