AWS Dashbaord With Python, Boto and Flask

So I actually started working on a small little dashboard for AWS for another project I am working on in the office; however I decided to fork it and make this into a dashboard which could be used by many other people to get a single view of their AWS environment. Besides that I also wanted to create a small way to detect unattached ebs volumes, unattached elastic IPs, and upcoming events for your EC2 instances. Hopefully as time permits I can grow this small project into a very powerful tool for other people to use.

Web Interface

I don’t know about you but when ever I go check out any type of dashboard I like to go look at the screenshots to give me a quick idea about the project, so I figured I would start there before going into the details.

AWS Dashboard – Home Page
AWS Dashboard – Delete Unattached EBS Volumes
AWS Dashboard – Delete Unattached Elastic Ips


Right now the feature list is pretty limited, but they all work and they all work well:

  • List Of Available Availability Zones In Each Region
  • Availability Zone Status Per Region
  • Instance Count Per Region
  • Instance Count Turns “Red” If Events Are Scheduled
  • List Of Events By Instance ID
  • EBS Volume Count Per Region
  • EBS Volume Count Turns “Red” If Any EBS Volumes Are Unattached
  • Ability To Delete Unattached EBS Volumes
  • Elastic IP Count Per Region
  • Elastic IP Count Turns Red If Any Elastic IPs Are Unattached
  • Ability To Delete Unattached Elastic IPs
  • Elastic Load Balancer Count Per Region

Install – Python Requirements

You will need to install the following python modules, I prefer to use pip to install my python modules:

  • sudo pip install flask
  • sudo pip install boto


Obviously the first thing you are going to want to do is to clone the repository:

git clone

Next, you will want to copy the to


Then you will need to edit the file and change the following values:

  • region_list

Starting The Flask Web Interface

Now you should be ready to start the flask web interface, by simply typing the following command:


This will start a web interface which will be listening on port 5000. If you look at the last line of the file you will notice the following line:'')

This determines which IP you want the app to listen on, for testing you might as well have it listen on any IP.

Configure For Apache

That really is out of the scope of this document, if you wish to configure flask to use Apache you should refer to the flask documentation here:

Link To Github Project
Finally here is the link to the project:

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