Multi User Server Client Linkage Environment v9.36

Open Source Software by Meyer Sound Laboratories Inc

Written by Jeremy Friesner, Last Updated 3/6/2024

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Demonstration of how to add multithreading to a custom MUSCLE server (v1.05)

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MUSCLE is licensed under the BSD Open Source License

Study the MUSCLE API autodocs

Study the Java Client API Javadocs

What is MUSCLE?

MUSCLE is a robust, scalable, efficient, cross-platform client-server messaging system for dynamic distributed applications that runs under any POSIX-compliant operating system. MUSCLE has been developed, used, and refined as the networking component of BeShare, CueStation, D-Mitri, Spacemap Go, and various other audio control applications at Meyer Sound Laboratories for over twenty years. With MUSCLE, you can:

MUSCLE version history (recent releases only; for the full history see the History file in the muscle archive)

key:  - new feature
      * bug fixed
      o other

9.36 - Released 3/6/2024
   - Added GetMostRecentInputTimeStamp() and GetMostRecentOutputTimeStamp()
     methods to the AbstractReflectSession class
   - Added a GetMostRecentAcceptTimeStamp() method to the
     ReflectSessionFactory class.
   - Added a GetAcceptCount() method to the ReflectSessionFactory class.
   - PrintSessionsInfo() now includes text describing how recently
     each session has sent or received data.
   - PrintFactoriesInfo() now includes text describing how recently
     each factory has accepted an incoming TCP connection, and how
     many connections the factory has received so far.
   - Added a GetClientDescriptionString() virtual method to the
     AbstractReflectSession class to support more-useful debug output.
   - Added a GetSocketBindAddress() function to NetworkUtilityFunctions.h
     for querying where a socket is bound to on the local machine.
   o Renamed GetPeerIPAddress() to GetPeerAddress(), and changed it
     to return an IPAddressAndPort instead of returning an IPAddress
     and also using a separate (optPort) argument.
   o Tweaked zlib/zlib/zconf.h so that the gzlib files can build
     successfully even if ./configure wasn't called in the
     zlib/zlib folder first.
   o SocketMultiplexer::RegisterSocket() now emits an error message
     to the log if a file descriptor is too large to pass to FD_SET().
   * Updated build instructions to specify cmake instead of
     Visual Studio

9.35 - Released 2/14/2024
   - Added an optional (optRunAsUser) argument to the various
     process launch methods in ChildProcessDataIO.
   - Added convenience constructors to the IPAddress class
     that take an in_addr or in6_addr as an argument.
   - Added convenience constructors to the IPAddressAndPort class
     that take a sockaddr_in or sockaddr_in6 as an argument.
   - Added WriteToInAddr() and WriteToIn6Addr() convenience
     methods to the IPAddress class.
   - Added WriteToSockAddrIn() and WriteToSockAddrIn6()
     convenience methods to the IPAddressAndPort class.
   - Added convenience overloads of the SendDataUDP() and
     ReceiveDataUDP() functions that take an IPAddressAndPort
     as their source/destination argument.
   - Added method IPAddress::IsIPv6LinkLocal().
   o Changed ChildProcessDataIO::ChildProcessReadyToRun() to
     be protected instead of public.
   o Removed ip_address typedef; use IPAddress instead.
   o Tweaked Inet_NtoA() so that when called with the (preferIPv4)
     flag, it will return the invalid/all-zeroes IP address string
     as "" rather than "::".
   * Updated TarFileWriter to handle it a little more elegantly
     when a file's length changes while the tar data is being written
     out to a non-seekable DataIO.
   * Fixed a bug in the Ref class that would cause a NULL Ref's
     status-string to be returned as "OK" rather than "NULL Ref"
   * BitChord::SetByte()'s second argument was the wrong type.  Fixed.

9.34 - Released 12/18/2023
   - Added an optional localnicip=local.nic.ip.address argument
     to hexterm, to better support sending IPv4 multicast packets.
   - Added a B_SHUTTING_DOWN error code, useful for returning
     from Thread::MessageReceivedFromOwner() overrides if there
     isn't any real error but the internal thread is exiting on
   - Added a templated GetConstRefToDefaultObjectForType()
     convenience function to util/RefCount.h
   - Added a GetHardLinkCount() method to the FilePathInfo class.
   o Modified IsRegexToken() to return false for '-', since
     hyphens aren't meaningful except in the context of
     "character class" regex tokens (which will get escaped anyway).
   o Replaced the IsHosed() and SetHosed() methods of the
     AbstractMessageIOGateway class with more descriptive methods
     GetUnrecoverableErrorStatus() and SetUnrecoverableErrorStatus().

9.33 - Released 10/30/2023
   - Added FromHexString() and FromBinaryString() methods to the
     BitChord class, to complement the ToHexString()
     and ToBinaryString() methods.
   - Added a Queue::IsIndexValid(uint32) convenience-method.
   - Updated the Queue::Remove*() methods to use std::move()
     when possible.
   - Updated the Hashtable::Remove*() methods to use std::move()
     when possible.
   - Added IsAtStart() and IsAtEnd() convenience-methods to the
     HashtableIterator class.
   - The snoopsharedmem tool now support an optional (maxBytesToPrint)
     argument, in case you only want to see the header of the region.
   o Removed obsolete references to TARGET_PLATFORM_XENOMAI.
   o Updated the captive zlib library to the current GitHub version,
     to avoid "function declaration without a prototype is deprecated"
     compiler warnings.
   * Fixed the LogTime() and LogPlain() macros so that they compile
     when called from a different namespace.
   * Changed ImmutableHashtablePool::GetWithAux() to repurpose an
     existing table (if possible) while adding an item, as well
     as when removing one.

9.32 - Released 9/8/2023
   - Added a -DWITH_HELGRIND option to CMakeLists.txt to enable
     causality annotations in the reference-counting of RefCount.h
     so that helgrind doesn't give false-positive warnings when
     analyzing an execution of this code for race conditions.
   - Added MUSCLE_CONSTEXPR tag to trivial constructors and methods
     of various POD-like utility classes.
   - Added MUSCLE_CONSTEXPR_17 macro, for places where a constexpr
     tag is useful but only allowed in C++17 or later.
   o Updated PythonUtilityFunctions.h to use a forward-declaration
     instead of #include-ing Python.h directly, to avoid potential
     namespace-collisions between Python and Qt.
   * Applied fixes for various minor issues flagged by pvs-studio-analyzer.
   * Changed SignalMultiplexer's received-signal-counters to be
     AtomicCounters rather than uint32 to avoid helgrind complaints
     when a signal is handled.
   * The ObjectPool constructor now calls GetDefaultObjectForType()
     on its object-type and the associated Ref-types, to ensure that
     the static singleton is initialized while the process is still
     in a single-threaded state.
   * IsMessageDeflated() now takes a ConstMessageRef rather than MessageRef.
   * Fixed a pointer-type-mismatch issue that could cause unnecessary
     compile-time errors in the templated version of Hashtable::Remove()

9.31 - Released 6/14/2023
   - Added an IsFileOpen() method to the GZDataIO class.
   - Modified the Hashtable class so that HashtableIterators
     are only registered in the iterators-list if they are actually
     pointing at a valid HashtableEntry.
   - ParseConnectArg() and IPAddressAndPort::SetFromString() now support
     an alternate port-syntax that doesn't require brackets, to get around
     osascript's command-parsing limitations.  E.g. you can now specify
     "::1_port_1234" instead of "[::1]:1234"
   - Added convenience PODHashFunctor specializations (for QSize,
     QPoint, and QRect) to QMuscleSupport.h
   o Increased the Snooze64() time in testatomicvalue's writer thread
     to 10mS as it appears that 1mS snoozes were being rounded down to zero.
   o Added MUSCLE_NODISCARD tag to the String and IPAddressAndPort classes.
   o Increased the default value of AtomicValue's ATOMIC_BUFFER_SIZE
     template argument to 8.
   * Fixed code that was passing NULL as an argument to %s in printf() or
     LogTime().  Thanks to Ruurd Adema for pointing out that doing that is
     undefined behavior.
   * Changed Hashtable::_iteratorThreadID to be a std::atomic<> to
     avoid potential undefined behavior in multithreaded scenarios.
   * Fixed AtomicValue class to use bitmasks instead of modulo and
     only support powers-of-two array sizes.
   * Fixed the handling of InterlockedCompareExchange()'s return value
     in the AtomicValue class.

9.30 - Released 4/28/2023
   - Tagged the constructor of the MutexGuard class (and friends) as
     MUSCLE_NODISCARD so the compiler will warm about anonymous guards.
   - Tagged ObjectPool::ObtainObject() with MUSCLE_NODISCARD.
   - Added MUSCLE_NODISCARD to all the functions and methods that it
     wouldn't make sense to call without examining their return value.
   - Added MUSCLE_NODISCARD to various concrete classes (String,
     Queue, Hashtable, IPAddress, etc) that shouldn't be ignored when
     used as return values.
   o Renamed String::Append() to String::WithAppend().
   o Renamed String::Prepend() to String::WithPrepend().
   o Renamed String::AppendWord() to String::WithAppendedWord().
   o Renamed String::PrependWord() to String::WithPrependedWord().
   o Renamed String::Trim() to String::Trimmed().
   o Renamed String::Pad() to String::PaddedBy().
   o Renamed String::Indent() to String::IndentedBy().
     the routing flags to use the BitChord class.
   o Rewrote testnagle.cpp to include a unit-test for automated testing.
   o Updated function declarations in regex captive library to avoid
     compiler warnings.
   o Updated the unit tests so none of them takes more than 5 seconds
     to complete when done as part of a CMake "make test" pass.
   * Fixed logic error in testgateway.cpp.
   * MUSCLE_NODISCARD is now defined as a no-op when compiling C code,
     to avoid breaking the build under C compilers that say they support
     C23 but nevertheless don't grok [[nodiscard]] yet.

9.25 - Release 4/7/2023
   - Rewrote String::WithReplacements(const Hashtable<String,String> &
     to only scan the input string once, instead of once per key.
   - Added a String::Replace(const Hashtable<String,String> & method.
   - Added a ReplaceAllItems() convenience-method to the Queue class.
   - Added MUSCLE_NO_DISCARD keyword, and applied it to the Ref and
     ConstRef classes and to the status_t and io_status_t types, so that
     calls ignoring these return values will generate compile-time warnings.
   - Added a TruncateToLength() convenience method to the ByteBuffer class.
   - Added a PR_NAME_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL_SECONDS parameter so clients can
     tell muscled to send a PR_RESULT_NOOP every (so many) seconds to
     verify TCP connectivity on an otherwise idle connection.
   o Removed DataIO::GetReadByteTimeStamp() as it wasn't being used.
   o CloseSocket() now prints an error message if its call to close() fails.
   * GetProcessMemoryUsage() now returns more accurate values.
   * Fixed a number of broken hyperlinks in the MUSCLE-by-example mkdocs.

9.24 - Release 3/20/2023
   - Added a CMakePresets.json file for quick specification of minimal
     (i.e. library-only) or full (i.e. including unit-tests) builds.
   - Added a CMAKEOPTIONS.txt file to describe the options available
     for building MUSCLE via cmake.
   o Moved the non-unit-test executables out of the "test" folder
     and into their own new/separate "tools" folder.
   * Modified AbstractReflectSession::Reconnect() to not fail
     if CreateDefaultSocket() return a NULL reference.
   * The Python3 implementation of wasn't encoding
     non-ASCII utf8 strings correctly when flattening a Message.  Fixed.
   * ZLibCodec::Inflate() would fail when inflating a compressed
     zero-byte buffer.  Fixed.

9.23 - Release 2/24/2023
   - Added a -DWITH_THREAD_SANITIZER=ON option to the CMakeLists.txt.
     how many of the most-significant-bits of a pointer are reserved for
     system use.  This value defaults to 16 for 64-bit Android systems
     (to account for Android's MTE feature) and to 0 on everything else.
   - Added a _registeredSubscribersMutex to the ICallbackMechanism class
     so that it can handle unusual dispatching cases more gracefully.
   - Added a script to tests folder.  This script can be
     run to quickly execute all tests and report any detected regressions.
   - Added add_test() directives to test/CMakeLists.txt to enable CTest.
     since the latter is a more commonly-used term.
   o Changed the default setting of the WITH_TESTS option to OFF
     in CMakeLists.txt
   * GetNetworkInterfaceinfos() is now implemented for Android
     (API level 24 or later).
   * SharedMemory.cpp now compiles under Android (pre API level 26)
     although its methods will return B_UNIMPLEMENTED if called.
   * GetNetworkInterfaceInfos() now returns B_UNIMPLEMENTED when
     called from an OS that it doesn't have an implementation for.
   * Applied some Android build fixes as suggested by Ruurd Adema.
   * SetFileLogLevel() was broken.  Fixed.
   * Avoid including sem.h when MUSCLE_FAKE_SHARED_MEMORY is defined.

9.22 - Released 2/2/2023
   - Modified Queue::InternalizeIndex() to use subtraction
     instead of modulo, for a 3x efficiency gain.
   - Added a MUSCLE_NOEXCEPT keyword that expands to noexcept
     under C++11 or later, or to nothing under C++03
   - Added MUSCLE_NOEXCEPT tags to the SwapContents() methods
     and move-constructors/operators that can make that guarantee.
   - Added a MatchesNodeNameQueryFilter class, to support query
     filtering against DataNode-names.
   - Added DataNode::SetNodeName()
   - Added a WITH_IPV6=OFF option to the CMakeLists.txt for
     easier building of MUSCLE in IPv4-only mode.
   - Added a "shareport" argument to hexterm to enable UDP port-sharing.
   - Added an IsBroadcast() method to the IPAddress class.
   - Added GetStatus() and SetStatus() methods to the
     Ref/ConstRef/DummyRef/DummyConstRef classes, so that when they
     are returned in a NULL state they can tell you why they aren't set.
   - Added BooleansToBitChord() convenience-functions to PointerAndBits.h
   - Updated PointerAndBits to be able to use the high bit in a
     pointer as well as the low bit(s).
   - Updated the captive zlib library to v1.2.13.
   o Replaced the PointerAndBool.h header (and class) with a new
     PointerAndBits.h header (and class) that does the same thing,
     but in a simpler, more generalized fashion.
   * Fixed broken UDP support in hexterm when -DMUSCLE_AVOID_IPV6
     was set as a compiler-flag.
     when -DMUSCLE_AVOID_IPV6 is set, to avoid potential runtime bugs.

9.21 - Released 1/13/2023
   - Added @tparam Doxygen tags for any template-arguments that
     the calling code might need to specify explicitly.
   - Enabled tagfile generation in muscle.dox.
   - Added a DataIO::ReadFullyUpTo() convenience-method to handle
     reading (up to n) bytes or (until EOF), whichever comes first.
   - Added error code B_END_OF_STREAM to allow Read()-type methods
     to unambiguously specify that the reason they are returning an
     error is because they have reached EOF/EOS.
   o Changed DataIO::ReadFully() and DataIO::WriteFully() to
     return status_t instead of uint32.
   o Removed the C APIs from the Doxygen output.
   o Auto-updated the muscle.dox file to the latest Doxygen version.
   * Fixed several issues to make Doxygen's output more useful.
   * Fixed some compiler warnings in the captive regex library.
   * Fixed the namespacing of the DoxyTemplates header so that
     Doxygen generation works with the newest Doxygen version.
   * Updated a number of out-of-date Doxygen comments.

9.20 - Released 12/30/2022
   - Updated NetworkUtilityFunctions.cpp to better support "real"
     IPv4 sockets (previously it assumed that IPv4 traffic would
     be handled using IPv6 sockets and IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses,
     but that approach doesn't give 100% compatibility in all cases)
   - Added a GetSocketFamily() method to the Socket class.
   - Added an optional (socketFamily) argument to CreateUDPSocket().
   - Added IsOK(io_status_t &) and IsError(io_status_t &) method
     overrides to the io_status_t class.
   - hexterm now instantiates a genuine IPv4 socket for use with
     IPv4 multicast traffic.
   - Tweaked gz*.c includes to compile without a configuration step.
   - Added input-data-timestamping (including a PR_NAME_DATA_TIMESTAMP
     field and SetReceiveTimestampingEnabled() and
     GetReceiveTimestampingEnabled() methods) to the
     RawDataMessageIOGateway class.
   - Added SetLogLevelThreshold() and GetLogLevelThreshold() arguments
     to the LogCallback class so that any LogCallback can now specify
     what log-levels it is (or is not) interested in.
   - Added templated overloads of Message::FindFlat(), Message::FindTag()
     Message::GetFlat(), and Message::GetTag() that take any type of Ref
     as an argument, so calling code no longer has to pass in a generic
     RefCountableRef or FlatCountableRef and then do the necessary
     downcasting separately afterward.
   - Message::FindTag() now takes a ConstRefCountableRef as an
     argument rather than a RefCountableRef, for better flexibility.
   - Added templated overloads of Message::AddFlat(), PrependFlat(),
     ReplaceFlat(), AddTag(), PrependTag(), and ReplaceTag() so that
     the calling code no longer has to do manual upcasting of typed
     FlatCountableRef or RefCountableRef objects before calling them.
   - Added ConstMessageRef overloads of InflateMessage() and DeflateMessage().
   - Added a ConstMessageRef-returning overload of Message::FindMessage().
   o Removed the ByteBufferRef-specific *Flat() methods from
     the Message class, since we now have more general templatized
     methods that offer the same semantics for any type.
   o SocketMultiplexer::WaitForEvents() now returns an io_status_t
     rather than an int, for better error-reporting.
   o Merged the IPv6 and IPv4 versions of AddSocketToMulticastGroup()
     and RemoveSocketFromMulticastGroup() so that a single implementation
     can work on either type of socket.
   o Renamed SetSocketMulticastSendInterfaceAddress() and
     GetSocketMulticastSendInterfaceAddress() to
     SetIPv4SocketMulticastSendInterfaceAddress() and
     GetIPv4SocketMulticastSendInterfaceAddress(), respectively,
     and made them available even when -DMUSCLE_AVOID_IPV6 isn't set.
   o Renamed Log() to LogPlain().
   o Made LogTime() and LogPlain() into macros so that their arguments
     will not be evaluated unless the logging-threshold-test passes.
   o Improved error reporting in the ReflectServer event-loop.
   o Removed the functions from TimeUnitConversions.h that take
     (struct timeval &) as their argument, since they weren't being used.
   o Removed SetConsoleLogLevel() and GetConsoleLogLevel() from the
     DefaultConsoleLogger class, in favor of the new equivalent methods
     in the LogCallback base class.
   o Removed SetFileLogLevel() and GetFileLogLevel() from the
     DefaultFileLogger class, in favor of the new equivalent methods
     in the LogCallback base class.
   o Renamed muscle's private namespaces to muscle_private.
   o Replaced long with int32 in some I/O support functions.
   o The default ByteBufferPool now clears the IMemoryAllocationStrategy
     field of any ByteBuffer it recycles (after freeing its memory),
     to avoid polluting the pool with user-installed strategies.
   o Ref::SetFromRefCountableRef() now returns B_TYPE_MISMATCH on failure
     rather than B_BAD_ARGUMENT.
   o Removed the two-argument ConstRef and Ref "pseudo-constuctors"
     and added instead a DowncastTo() method, to
     make Ref-downcasting operations self-documenting.
   o Changed ITraversalPruner::MatchPath() and CreateObjectFromArchiveMessage()
     to take ConstMessageRef as an argument rather than MessageRef.
   o Changed StorageReflectSession::SetDataNode(), InsertOrderedData(),
     InsertOrderedChildNode(), and GetNewDataNode() to take
     ConstMessageRef as an argument rather than MessageRef.
   o Changed DataNode to hold a ConstMessageRef rather than a MessageRef.
   o Changed StorageReflectSession::NotifySubscribersThatNodeChanged()
     and StorageReflectSession::NodeChanged() to pass a ConstMessageRef
     rather than a MessageRef.
   o ByteBuffer::ReleaseBuffer() now returns (uint8 *) instead of
     (const uint8 *).
   * Fixed MLOG_ON_ERROR and friends to be usable with io_status_t.
   * ExpandLocalhostAddress() no longer expands IPv6 loopback addresses.
   * UDPSocketDataIO::ReadFrom() would call SetSourceOfLastReadPacket()
     even when no packet had been read, clearing that field.  Fixed.
   * Some functions in MuscleSupport.h were unintentionally being
     declared outside the muscle namespace.  Fixed.

9.10 - Released 12/10/2022
   - Rewrote the non-Windows implementation of muscleSprintf()
     to call vsnprintf() instead of sprintf(), to avoid compiler
     warnings about sprintf() being insecure.
   - Instrumented the non-Windows implementation of muscleSprintf()
     with MUSCLE_PRINTF_ARGS_ANNOTATION_PREFIX so that the compiler
     will warn about calls to muscleSprintf() with the wrong format
   - Added an io_status_t class to represent the result of an I/O
     operation.  An io_status_t contains both a status_t and an
     int32 byte-count.
   - Added a MUSCLE-by-example page for the status_t class.
   o Changed the return-types of the NetworkUtilityFunctions that
     previously returned (int32/byte-count-or-negative-1), aka
     SendData(), ReceiveData(), SendDataUDP(), ReceiveDataUDP(),
     ReadData(), and WriteData() to return a more informative
     io_status_t instead.
   o Changed the DataIO::Read() and DataIO::Write() methods to
     return io_status_t instead of int32.
   o Changed the PacketDataIO::ReadFrom() and PacketDataIO::WriteTo()
     methods to return io_status_t instead of int32.
   o Simplified the implementation of GetDefaultObjectForType() back
     to one that compile under any version of C++.  We'll rely on
     the optimizer to do the right thing, rather than SFINAE.
   o Modified Directory::SetDir() to return a static status_t value
     rather than B_ERRNO, to avoid potential static-initialization
     ordering problems on pre-C++11 compilers.
   o tagged status_t as a MUSCLE_FINAL_CLASS.
   o Replaced the MAKETYPE(x) macro with a MakeWhatCode() function.
   * Updated to catch and ignore any
     EAGAIN exceptions generated by send() on a notification-socket.
   * Fixed a spurious assertion failure in SimulatedMulticastDataIO.
   * Changed some code to return B_IO_ERROR instead of B_ERRNO if
     fread() or fwrite() fails, since those functions are not
     guaranteed to set errno when they fail.
   * Fixed a bug that would cause GetEnvironmentVariableValue() to
     sometimes return garbage strings under Windows if the environment
     variable did not exist.
   * Added missing DOxygen parameter documentation for various
     macros declared in MuscleSupport.h.
   * Fixed a number of broken hyperlinks in the MUSCLE-by-example docs.

9.01 - Released 11/18/2022
   - Added a WritePaddingBytesToAlignTo(uint32 alignSize)
     convenience-method to the CheckedDataFlattenerHelper
     and DataFlattenerHelper classes.
   - Added a SeekPastPaddingBytesToAlignTo(uint32 alignSize)
     convenience-method to the DataUnflattenerHelper class.
   - Added DataUnflattener ctor and SetBuffer() calls that
     take a ByteBufferRef, for convenience.
   - Added a GetEnvironmentVariableValue() convenience function,
     to avoid calling getenv() directly from user code.
   - Added %p (aka process ID) to the set of tokens expanded by
   - DefaultFileLogger::EnsureLogFileCreated() now tries a little
     harder: if it can't create a log file with the given file name,
     it will try up to 10 variants of the file name in the hopes
     of coming up with a file name that is unique and can be created.
   - Added a IsBitIndexValid() convenience-method to the BitChord class.
   - Added MUSCLE_CONSTEXPR_OR_CONST macro to expand to "constexpr"
     if possible, or "const" otherwise.
   - GetDefaultObjectForType() now uses constexpr to avoid on-demand
     initialization, when -DMUSCLE_USE_CPLUSPLUS17 is defined.
   - CMakeLists.txt now automatically specifies -DMUSCLE_USE_PTHREADS
     if building on POSIX for C++03, and WITH_THREADS is ON.
   - LogTime() calls now emit printf-style format-usage warnings
     when compiled with g++ or clang++.
   - Added INT16_FORMAT_SPEC_* macros, for completeness.
   o PODSwapper now calls std::swap() rather than reimplementing it.
   * Moved the definitions of the B_* error-codes out of SetupSystem.cpp
     and into MuscleSupport.h, so that Clang's Static Analyzer can see
     what values they contain and generate better output.
   * Generation of the random number that %r expands to is now
     actually random (not just calling rand()) (in C++11 or newer).
   * Renamed several of the longer mkdocs examples folder names
     to avoid hitting Windows' 260-character path limit.
   * Fixed a potential uninitialized-memory-read in the String
     class's GetLevenshteinDistance() method.
   * Fixed the CMakeList.txt files in the sub-folders to use
     the inherited CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD setting rather than
     forcing C++11.
   * GetCurrentThreadID() is no longer compiled if
     -DMUSCLE_SINGLE_THREAD_ONLY is specified.

9.00 - Released 10/27/2022
   - Added a MUSCLE_MAXIMUM_NODE_DEPTH constant that limits
     how deep the MUSCLE node-tree may become, to prevent
     stack-overflow attacks.  Defaults to 100.
   - Added DataFlattener and DataUnflattener classes to
     allow for safer flattening/unflattening of data
     to/from byte-buffers.
   - Added an UncheckedDataUnflattener class, for better
     efficiency when the calling code has already done its
     own bounds-checking.
   - Added a CheckedDataUnflattener class, for better
     calling code that wants to use a dynamically-growing
     output buffer.
   - Added support/EndianConverter.h to allow templating
     over big/little/native endian-encoding strategies.
   - Added pages for DataFlattener and DataUnflattener
     APIs to the muscle-by-example documentation.
     to your compile line will tell MUSCLE to use big-endian
     data format for all of its data.  Note that doing so will
     break interoperability with all existing MUSCLE builds!
     to your compile line will tell MUSCLE to use native-endian
     data format for all of its data.  Note that doing so will
     break compatibility with different-endian CPUs!
   o Changed the PseudoFlattenable::Flatten() and
     Flattenable::Flatten() methods to take a second
     argument (flatSize) for better runtime error-checking.
   o Changed the PseudoFlattenable::Unflatten() and
     Flattenable::Unflatten() methods to take a
     (DataUnflattener &) as an argument rather than
     a raw pointer, for better caller/callee cooperation.
   o Changed Message::TemplatedFlatten() to use
     a DataFlattener as an argument.
   o Changed Message::TemplatedUnflatten() to use
     a DataUnflattener as an argument.
   o Removed the SetEndianFlag(), Append*(), Write*(),
     Read*() methods from the ByteBuffer class.  Use
     the new DataFlattener/DataUnflattener classes instead.
   o Refactored the StringTokenizer class's constructors to
     take a single (optSepChars) argument instead of separate
     arguments for hard and soft separator characters.
   o Made the calculation of DataNode depths more efficient.
   o Removed Flattenable::WriteData() and Flattenable::ReadData()
     methods (since DataFlattener/DataUnflattener do it better).
   o Replaced most calls to B_LENDIAN_*_TO_HOST() and
     B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_*() with calls to DefaultEndianConverter's
     Import() and Export() methods, to allow MUSCLE to be built
     in big-endian mode.
   o Changed the PseudoFlattenable class to be templatized, and
     added methods to it so all the helper methods declared in
     the Flattenable interface are also available in the
     PseudoFlattenable interface.
   o Refactored the ZLib-support classes in muscle/zlib so that they
     no longer include any zlib-headers from their header files.
   * Modified Snooze64() to call clock_nanosleep() under Linux,
     and to call nanosleep() when -DMUSCLE_USE_LIBRT is defined.
   * Changed all the #include "zlib/zlib/zlib.h" directives to
     #include "zlib.h" to avoid using the captive zlib headers
     together with any system-supplied zlib implementation (which
     might be different)
   * Fixed a bug that could cause ZLibDataIO::WriteAux() to
     to into an infinite recursion if zlib's deflate() errored out.
   * Fixed a bug in MessageIOGateway that could cause it fail
     to report how many bytes it had sent or received, if an
     I/O error occurred later on in the same call to DoInput()
     or DoOutput().