
Stable and development releases

Sofia-SIP releases can be downloaded from Files Area. See also the wiki page for non-official prebuilt packages for sofia-sip.

The releases are versioned with MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION numbering, where MINOR is even (e.g. 1.12.0) for stable, and odd (e.g. 1.13.0) for development releases. The difference between stable and development releases is library interface stability. API/ABI compatibility between releases in the development branch is not guaranteed.

Release Notes

Past Releases

Archive of all Sofia-SIP release notes is available at:

Announcements of New Releases

Releases announcements are sent at least to the following places:

Latest code

The latest code is available in the version control system. Sofia-SIP is currently using Darcs for source code management. The repositories are available at
