13thmonkey.org : udfclient

Supported systems |  Releases |  Bugs and problem reporting |  Tips and tricks |  TODO


UDFclient is a userland implementation of the UDF filingsystem as defined by the OSTA group. UDFclient was created as a study platform for the full read and write kernel level implementation found in the NetBSD kernel. The NetBSD kernel can now read and write all media and upto UDF 2.50 though it can't resize metadata partitions yet.

UDFclient basicly provides a userinterface not unlike ftp(1) but differs in that it allways fetches or writes files recursively from the disc(s). As from version 0.4.9 it supports the basic get, mget, put, mput, mv, rm, mkdir, cd, lcd, free, pwd, lls command set. get and put can now also retrieve or store using different names than the origional.

Supported systems


Bugs and problem reporting

No obvious problems or bugs are known; it can read corrupted discs but it might fail at times.

Update DirectCD/Drag2Disc will now read and write discs formatted with UDFclient fine! Older DirectCD/Drag2Disc versions might only accept media formatted with the -2 option.

Feedback is much apreciated also when its running fine!; please do mail me about any failure of disc reading with a small report to reinoud@netbsd.org consisting of the following points (replace "/dev/cdrom" by the device or file you used):

Tips and tricks

Resqueing files and directories from unreadable, incomplete or broken recordables can be done by using the -r flag. By using the cd_sessions command you can see the number of CD/DVD sessions the disc has and specify wich session(s) you would like to give a try. These can be seen as older snapshots of the disc.

Roxio DirectCD/Drag2Disc interoperatibility. Newer DirectCD/Drag2Disc versions that support UDF version 2.00 and higher will happily read and write media created by UDFclient and vice versa. Older versions might only be able to read and write UDFclient discs created with the -2 flag that forces it to use older descriptors.

Important for DirectCD/Drag2Disc is to select in the advanced eject settings of DirectCD/Drag2Disc the option "use UDF version used on current disc". It will otherwise try to use a mechanism that is breaking certain UDF rules in order to try to be more compatible with older customer appliances.

TinyUDF interoperatibility. TinyUDF is known to be in certain appliances and its discs can be read in fine.


UDFClient TODO list after 0.5 release :