
Thema: Komfortables cd

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Von Nablo am Do, 7. Mai 2009 um 10:43 #
Bitte mal dringend die Z-Shell anschauen...
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    Von Slarko am Do, 7. Mai 2009 um 12:13 #
    Ich benutz selber die zsh (und lieb sie), aber wie mach ich sowas in der ZSH?
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      Von simon am Do, 7. Mai 2009 um 14:05 #
      guck mal in die config files vom "zsh lovers" projekt. ich glaube die findet man irgendwo in der grml richtung...
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      Von RTFM am Do, 7. Mai 2009 um 16:58 #
      cd [ -qsLP ] [ arg ]
      cd [ -qsLP ] old new
      cd [ -qsLP ] {+|-}n
      Change the current directory. In the first form, change the current directory
      to arg, or to the value of $HOME if arg is not specified. If arg is ‘-’,
      change to the value of $OLDPWD, the previous directory.

      Otherwise, if arg begins with a slash, attempt to change to the directory given
      by arg.

      If arg does not begin with a slash, the behaviour depends on whether the cur‐
      rent directory ‘.’ occurs in the list of directories contained in the shell
      parameter cdpath. If it does not, first attempt to change to the directory arg
      under the current directory, and if that fails but cdpath is set and contains
      at least one element attempt to change to the directory arg under each compo‐
      nent of cdpath in turn until successful. If ‘.’ occurs in cdpath, then cdpath
      is searched strictly in order so that ‘.’ is only tried at the appropriate

      If no directory is found, the option CDABLE_VARS is set, and a parameter named
      arg exists whose value begins with a slash, treat its value as the directory.
      In that case, the parameter is added to the named directory hash table.

      The second form of cd substitutes the string new for the string old in the name
      of the current directory, and tries to change to this new directory.

      The third form of cd extracts an entry from the directory stack, and changes to
      that directory. An argument of the form ‘+n’ identifies a stack entry by
      counting from the left of the list shown by the dirs command, starting with
      zero. An argument of the form ‘-n’ counts from the right. If the PUSHD_MINUS
      option is set, the meanings of ‘+’ and ‘-’ in this context are swapped.

      If the -q (quiet) option is specified, the hook function chpwd and the func‐
      tions in the array chpwd_functions are not called. This is useful for calls to
      cd that do not change the environment seen by an interactive user.

      If the -s option is specified, cd refuses to change the current directory if
      the given pathname contains symlinks. If the -P option is given or the
      CHASE_LINKS option is set, symbolic links are resolved to their true values.
      If the -L option is given symbolic links are retained in the directory (and not
      resolved) regardless of the state of the CHASE_LINKS option.

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