
Thema: Debian-Derivat Tanglu 1.0 veröffentlicht

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Von Heywood Floyd am Sa, 22. Februar 2014 um 18:43 #

Du wirst mit Tanglu ungefähr auf dem Stand von Debian Testing sein und ungefähr auf Unstable in der Zeit des Freeze. Da Debian nicht zuletzt aufgrund des Entwicklungsmodells meine liebste Distro ist, freue ich mich über Tanglu als eng an Debian gebundene Ergänzung. Im Gegensatz zu Mint, Ubuntu usw. geht es hier nicht um ein beliebiges Derivat, sondern um eine Distribution, die so nahe wie nur möglich an Debian bleibt und für einen leichteren und möglichst aktuellen Linux-Desktop-Einstieg bietet. Ich drück dem Duo die Daumen und werden helfen, wenn ich kann :)

Vielleicht helfen auch ein paar Zitate:

  • "The delta between Tanglu and Debian should be kept as minimal as possible. [...] We want to offer a distro as close to Debian as possible, but with a few modifications for use-cases which are not covered by Debian itself."

  • "Ideally, Tanglu and Debian should be working well together in mixed environments, where you for example have Debian servers and multiple Tanglu desktops with the new software, targeted at desktop user. Since the differences between Tanglu and Debian should not be very high, administering both systems should be very easy."

  • "Tanglu is designed to be able to solve the issue that Debian is frozen for a long time and Debian Developers can’t make new upstream versions available for testing easily. During a Debian freeze, DDs can upload their software to the current Tanglu development version and later start the new Debian cycle with already tested packages from Tanglu.

  • "We will, hwever, not apply any kind of fancy modification on upstream software, we will basically just distribute what upstream created, so users can get an almost “pure” GNOME and KDE experience."

  • "Tanglu will be usable for both developers of upstream software and the average Linux user and Linux newbie. This is possible because in our opinion developers and users don’t have different needs for a desktop system. Both kinds of users like a polished desktop which “just works”."

  • "Tanglu will be based on Debian Testing and follow the Debian development closely. It will have a 6-months release-cycle and it’s target audience are Linux desktop users. We will make installing and setting up the distro as easy as possible."

Ursprungsankündigung: http://blog.tenstral.net/2013/03/tanglu.html

Und für alle Schreihälse, die hier ihren Frust abladen, wo auch immer der herkommt :lol:

"I hate you!!! You are doing it wrong!! The project is useless!

Well, that’s fine. But there is no reason for hating us. If you dislike our idea, there are basically two options: First, you hate us but the project is successful. In that case, you have been wrong with hate, as there are definitely people who liked the project and contributed to it. Second, you hate us and we fail. In this case, there is no reason for hate, as the project will just vanish and you don’t have to worry about it. So hating it would’ve been just a big waste of energy.

Also keep in mind that forking is a way to keep development healthy and to adapt software to new use-cases which it didn’t target before. And we are not introducing incompatibilities here (like e.g. writing our own display server could). Instead, we want to stay close to Debian and reuse as much code as possible."

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