Release Notes - Cayenne - Version 3.0M6 - HTML format


  • [CAY-851] - Modeler in Cayenne 3.0M1 fails on startup under Win32 with AWT complaint
  • [CAY-940] - CayenneModeler fails on load of existing project file or upon creation of new project on IBM's Java 1.6.0 SDK on 32-bit ppc
  • [CAY-947] - Database Schema Migration should sort tokens
  • [CAY-979] - ROP client serialization mechanism dependencies
  • [CAY-1030] - Delete rule not set on reverse engineer databse
  • [CAY-1139] - EJBQL condition translation - must track the type of condition
  • [CAY-1142] - (Single table) Inheritance and Paginated lists
  • [CAY-1143] - CayenneModeler 'Import DataMap' function error
  • [CAY-1144] - EJBQL mixed GROUP BY clause is generated incorrectly
  • [CAY-1155] - Modeler template for SQLServer driver has a typo in the driver name
  • [CAY-1157] - Modeler: Concurrent mod exception on removing DbRelationship
  • [CAY-1160] - Default delete rule is not used when migrating schema (to model)
  • [CAY-1166] - Type checking in the modeler
  • [CAY-1170] - cdbgen task fails due to NPE when instantiating TypesHandler
  • [CAY-1176] - missing classes in ROP cayenne-client render nested contexts unusable
  • [CAY-1180] - Model marked as dirty when leaving DataMap name field
  • [CAY-1183] - commitToParent() makes object persistence state committed, produces exception when using object in parent context (ROP)
  • [CAY-1194] - problems with relationships when using nested contexts and ROP
  • [CAY-1196] - CayenneRuntimeException in modeler due to ClassNotFoundException when java type is invalid and db attribute is null.
  • [CAY-1204] - Incorrect relationship syncing in nested CayenneContext's
  • [CAY-1205] - Renaming DbRelationships breaks different ObjRelationships
  • [CAY-1207] - Oracle8 does not like new join syntax
  • [CAY-1217] - Project tree loses focus when traversing a list of entities with the keyboard
  • [CAY-1219] - Modeler - clicking on query "select properties" fields changes project status to "dirty"
  • [CAY-1222] - Row index out of range exception when selecting a relationship


  • [CAY-289] - Implement Quoting of identifiers
  • [CAY-483] - Improved error reporting for Newbie error
  • [CAY-816] - Improve readNestedProperty() to handle to-many relationships in the path.
  • [CAY-1021] - adding a callback method should result in focus on method name
  • [CAY-1029] - maven2 plugin to reverse engineer database
  • [CAY-1047] - Aligning query capabilities
  • [CAY-1058] - Add a maven plugin for starting up the modeler.
  • [CAY-1119] - Nested contexts on ROP
  • [CAY-1146] - Move User properties API to ObjectContext & BaseContext
  • [CAY-1150] - Generated DataMap classes should contain public constants for all query names
  • [CAY-1156] - Modeler search improvement
  • [CAY-1158] - cayenne-modeler:run plugin should open a (configured) project file, with suitable defaults
  • [CAY-1167] - Create model schema XSD
  • [CAY-1174] - Modeler: support optional meaningful PK mapping during reverse engineering
  • [CAY-1181] - Default class generation folder is wrong
  • [CAY-1184] - Callback methods should default to usable names
  • [CAY-1185] - Expression API: boolean support in string representation
  • [CAY-1193] - Auto load schema on startup
  • [CAY-1197] - ANT task for reverse engineering
  • [CAY-1206] - merge: a way to set value for null for madatory columns
  • [CAY-1211] - Modeler: blown out warning dialogs
  • [CAY-1214] - Class generation should create abstract callback methods in the superclass and stub methods in the subclass
  • [CAY-1218] - Query caching loose ends


  • [CAY-1140] - Store ObjEntity name in the DataRow
  • [CAY-1147] - Remove id reading functionality from ResultIterator
  • [CAY-1151] - Update web app tutorial - JettyLauncher plugin does not work with Eclipse Ganymede release or newer
  • [CAY-1153] - MySQL : Enable views during reverse engineering
  • [CAY-1154] - Rename .access.reveng package to .map.naming
  • [CAY-1161] - Deprecate SelectQuery custom columns feature
  • [CAY-1164] - Implement EJBQL query support in the Modeler
  • [CAY-1175] - Replace String column name capitalization property with an enum
  • [CAY-1215] - Move tool-like items into new cayenne-tools module.
  • [CAY-1221] - Exclude JPA from releases

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