jDbSync jDBSync

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jDBSync provides ANT tasks with which you will be able to find differences between two databases while offline and prepare SQL to update any of them. Some additional ANT tasks to discover database structure (tables list, table structure, etc.) are provided.
24.05.2007 0.9.3 release: export task has been changed to use userid as default schema and new possibility, creation of HTML report, has been added (see "Core Tasks" page to get details).
17.05.2007 0.9.2 release: export task has been improved (export all tables from user's schema).
15.05.2007 0.9.1 release: this release includes documentation.
11.05.2007 0.9.0 release: inital release without documentation.
24.03.2007 Project has been created on SF.
Reasons of project or why I've started it
Generally speaking, this project is a result of problems with which I have deals on my current work:
  • I have to compare tables from three databases: development, test and production and prepare SQLs to update some of them
  • I have only ssh access to the test server and do not have any type of access to production
  • I have to get information about tables/views structure which are developed not by me