This is the changelog for Camp2ascii, a converter for Campbell Scientific binary data formats tob2 and tob3 v0.99.5: *portability improvements: all sections of the code that might see an effect from platform/compiler word lenght should have been protected by using the C99 types (such as "int32", "uint8", etc) *some cleanup in the handling of the printing of fields' values (the separator is not printed by the Read_XXX functions anymore). It also makes the formats strings easier to read. *cleanup of the code for TOB1 support *a few small speed optimizations v0.99: *almost complete support for TOB1 format (only a separator at the begining of each lines that needs removal) *much more data types supported and checked: now LONG, ULONG, SHORT, USHORT, SecNano and BOOL have been added to the list of data types that are proven to work *The only data types that still need to be validated are: BOOL2, UINT4, INT2 and FP4 *complete support of ASCII type, including when generated on a buggy data logger (some data loggers released before 2005 where issuing strings as a succession of one character string, of data type "ASCII" instead of being "ASCII(1)" *some code cleanup (dead members of the structures) v0.97: *data types handled using simple function calls because the fonction pointers were way too slow. *the very low level data reading function are now in the same file as the data types reading functions, in order to allow for inlining *some code clean up v0.95: *data types are now handled using a table of function pointers. Reading a data line is now just a matter of looping over a table and calling the contained functions. *some reorganization on the way the functions are called in order to cope with the major change previously mentionned v0.9: *added support for padding in data lines *added more data types: BOOL4, INT4, NSec v0.85: *initial release