History for iFAQMaker

Last modified: February 02 2018
! variable replacement (single curly braces) no longer interferes with wiki block formatting (triple curly braces)
+ now it is also possible to use input files without any blocks ([title],[text]) defined (e.g. "plain wiki" pages). Simply set the input type to "flat" using setInputType("flat") - which implies enabling the wiki mode - before calling parseInput().
* Stylesheet adaptions - mainly for the "flat" wiki input files
+ enabled collection support - now you can group files into collections, which are simply sub-directories to your $fsFdir - which should help you organize larger amounts of FAQs
* "translation system" has been moved into the class. NOTE: file format of the translation input (usually "trans.inc") has been changed!!! The format now is "origin;translation" (one pair per line), "origin" being the string to translate (may NOT contain semicolon), translation being the replacement (may contain semicolon or whatever usual characters)
v0.1.4 (19.03.2008)
+ added some hacker protection (you still should use register_globals=off in your php.ini for better protection!)
* invalid topics are now routed to the index page
! acronym replacement sometimes got messed up - hopefully fixed
+ added blockquotes to wiki syntax
+ wiki syntax: added simple lists (one level only)
+ added wiki escapes (to show wiki code)
* updated wiki documentation
v0.1.3 (09.03.2008)
* variable replacement (curly braces) now also works fine for arrays up to two dimensions
+ added acronym support
+ added basic Wiki syntax support
! additional settings (level, aname) for [title] should have been optional. Now they are optional again.
+ Macros now can contain white spaces (e.g. a string for function parameters)
* plugin functions having a relative "path/to/file" as their (only) parameter now are registered with the class - and only for those this parameter will converted to an absolute path now (to allow other functions to work as expected)
v0.1.2 (10.02.2007)
! lines from the textfile are no longer truncated for output (this broke preformatted text in previous versions)
+ added plugin interface
+ added SQL hilite plugin
+ added Shell hilite plugin
+ added PHP hilite plugin
+ added some more makros to the macros.inc file
! worked around the problem that "$1" in input textfiles always got lost (replaced it by $)
! fixed bug in makro replacement method
v0.1.1 (25.11.2004)
! fixed a litte HTML 4.01 compatibily issue
* some changes to the sample template to allow "overloading" of the default.css on top of another (site-specific) one without the nasty side-effect on the "back" and "index" navigator background table
+ outsourced the HTML header/footer methods to an "extension class" - this allows creating of "page parts" to include into another page without creating the HTML header/footer (and without the overhead of unneeded methods)
+ now the "tocblock" in templates is optional (specify "0" as tocstyle if it is missing in the template)
+ all docu (history, README, license etc.) is now in the doc/ subdirectory
+ added HTML ApiDoc (see doc/api) to the source tree
! two or more placeholders ("{}") on one line sometimes broke the parse
v0.1.0 (17.11.2004)
+ initial release
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