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Releases: esnet/iperf


01 Dec 19:15
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iperf-3.16 2023-11-30

  • Notable user-visible changes

    • Multiple test streams started with -P/--parallel will now be
      serviced by different threads. This allows iperf3 to take
      advantage of multiple CPU cores on modern processors, and will
      generally result in significant throughput increases (PR #1591).

    • OpenSSL 3 is now detected at build time. If OpenSSL 3 is found,
      various older, deprecated, APIs will not be used. iperf3 will
      continue to work with OpenSSL 1.1.1. OpenSSL is used as a part
      of the iperf3 authentication functionality (Issue #1300, PR

    • The authorized users file used by the authentication functionality
      is now checked for accessibility much earlier during the program
      startup, as opposed to being checked near the start of a
      test (Issue #1583, PR #1585).

  • Developer-visible changes

    • BREAKING CHANGE: iperf3 now requires pthreads and C atomic
      variables to compile and run.


15 Nov 19:54
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iperf-3.16-beta1 2023-11-15

  • Notable user-visible changes

    • Multiple test streams started with -P/--parallel will now be
      serviced by different threads. This allows iperf3 to take
      advantage of multiple CPU cores on modern processors, and will
      generally result in significant throughput increases (PR #1591).

    • OpenSSL 3 is now detected at build time. If OpenSSL 3 is found,
      various older, deprecated, APIs will not be used. iperf3 will
      continue to work with OpenSSL 1.1.1. OpenSSL is used for as a part
      of the iperf3 authentication functionality (Issue #1300, PR

    • The authorized users file used by the authentication functionality
      is now checked for accessibility much earlier during the program
      startup, as opposed to being checked near the start of a
      test (Issue #1583, PR #1585).

  • Developer-visible changes

    • BREAKING CHANGE: iperf3 now requires pthreads and C atomic
      variables to compile and run.


29 Sep 19:23
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iperf-3.15-mt-beta1 2023-09-29

Accumulated release notes from iperf-3.14 and earlier multithreaded
beta releases:

  • Notable user-visible changes

    • Multiple test streams started with -P/--parallel will now be
      serviced by different threads. This allows iperf3 to take
      advantage of multiple CPU cores on modern processors.

    • Remove some busy-waiting left over from the original
      single-threaded implementation, which caused the multi-threaded
      iperf3 to consume CPU resources for no particular reason, and
      possible subsequent packet loss.

    • CentOS 7's default compiler is a version of GCC that is too old to
      compile code using C11 atomic variables. A workaround has been
      devised for 64-bit CentOS 7 systems, it is not clear whether this
      approach will work on 32-bit CentOS 7 hosts, or other
      similarly-vintage build environment.

    • Fix a bug related to idle timeouts, so that the --rcv-timeout
      option works correctly.

    • Make shutdown of threads more tolerant in the face of various
      orders of operations at the end of tests.

  • Developer-visible changes

    • iperf3 requires pthreads and C atomic variables to compile and run.


14 Sep 19:17
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iperf-3.15 2023-09-14

  • Notable user-visible changes

    • Several bugs that could allow the iperf3 server to hang waiting
      for input on the control connection has been fixed. ESnet thanks
      Jorge Sancho Larraz from Canonical for reporting this issue. For
      more information, see:

    • A bug that caused garbled output with UDP tests on 32-bit hosts
      has been fixed (PR #1554, PR #1556). This bug was introduced in

    • A bug in counting UDP messages has been fixed (PR #1367, PR


07 Sep 17:32
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iperf-3.14 2023-07-07

  • Notable user-visible changes

    • A memory allocation hazard was fixed (Issue #1542/PR #1543). For
      more information see:

    • JSON output was improved, such as print JSON numbers as signed (PR
      #1539, Issue #1435), the exit code when doing JSON output was
      fixed (PR #1523), and client_api was fixed so that it still
      returns an error code when JSON is enabled (Issue #1405). Also,
      duplicate fields when using multiple streams was removed from the
      JSON output (#1492).

    • Prevent UDP packet count and operations overflow (PR #1536/Issue

    • Statistics are fixed when --omit is used (Issue #1489/PR #1498).

  • Developer-visible changes

    • CI builds and tests using GitHub actions have been added (PR

    • A fix for Android "unable to create a new stream error" was added
      (PR #1506).

    • Support for Voice Admit DSCP code point from RFC 5865 was added
      (PR #1490).

    • A fix for preventing a crash when RSA public key path doesn't
      exist was fixed (PR #1488/Issue #1471).