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= User documentation =
== Pattern/match command ==
Pattern is everywhere, used in www interface, in many shell commands (search, play, etc...).

Syntax summary:

field: value [ [or|and] field2: value2 ]...

for length, value may be preceded by **<** or **>**
if field name starts with a capital, the search is case-sensitive

Possible fields:

    * id (compact style)
    * genre
    * artist
    * album
    * title
    * track
    * filename
    * score
    * tags
    * length
    * playlist <special: output a named playlist>
    * pls <special: input a named playlist>

=== Named playlist:
 Named playlists are arbitrary string, with a special case "#": being the current playlist
You may prefix the name with **+** to append or **>** to insert at current position (also works with **#** playlist). If not you are just replacing the specified playlist.

=== Working Examples:

% zicdb search filename: shak length: > 3*60
> songs with "shak" in filename and of more than 3 min
% zicdb search artist: shak length: > 3*60 or artist: black
> songs with "shak" or "black" in artist name and of more than 3 min
% zicdb search artist: shak length: > 3*60 and title: mo
> songs with "shak" in artist name and of more than 3 min and with "moon" on the title
% zicdb search tags: jazz title: moon
> songs tagged "jazz" and with titles containing "moon"
% zicdb search score: >2
> songs with a score higher than 2
% zicdb search score: >2 score: <= 3 tags: rock length: <= 120
> a quite dumb search ;) (the selected songs will have a score of 3, less than 2 min and tagged as "rock")

== Commands ===

Note that "::" arguments are not (yet) supported in wasp, unlike zicbee / zicdb [shell].
Most commands will read {{{db_host}}} and {{{player_host}}} variables (see **set** command).

=== help
    List all available commands (with associated help if available)

=== set
   Without argument, lists the variables
   If two arguments are passed, just set the value

=== shell (zicdb - default for wasp)
    Launches a shell accepting any command

Still undocumented, usage may vary between zicdb & wasp: tag, rate, kill, stfu

== Remote commands (including wasp)

=== get[::host][::out] <match command> (not in wasp yet)
    the host to connect to
    the output directory

====  Examples:
% zicdb get::out=/tmp/ artist: black
% zicdb artist: black

=== show [offset [size]] (only in wasp)
   Shows the playlist 

=== play[::dbhost::phost] <match command>
    Set playlist to specified request and start playing if previously stopped

      the computer owning the songs
      the playback computer
    match command:
      same as 'search' command with 2 more fields:
        pls: output playlist name
        playlist: input playlist name

        - # is the current playlist name
        - names can be prefixed with '+' to append

==== Examples:
% zicdb play artist: doors
> play the doors
% zicdb play artist: bouchers pls: boucherie
> store in playlist "boucherie" songs with "bouchers" in artist
% zicdb play artist: pigalle pls: +boucherie
> append to playlist "boucherie" songs with "pigalle" in artist
% zicdb play playlist: boucherie
> play songs stored in playlist "boucherie"
% zicdb play pls: sogood playlist: #
> save the current playlist to playlist "sogood"

=== search[::out::host] <match command>

    specifies the output format (for now: m3u or null or default)

=== infos
    Display informations about player status

=== shuffle
    Shuffles the current playlist

=== next
    Zap current song

=== prev
    Move backward in playlist

=== guess
    tells if the given parameter matches with the current song (fault tolerant)

=== playlist
    Display the current playlist

=== m3u (only in wasp)
    Display the current playlist in m3u format

== Local commands

=== use
    Not a command by itself, used to specify active database (default: songs)
    You can specify mutiple databases at once using ',' separator (without spaces)
% zicdb use lisa serve
> starts serving lisa's database
% zicdb use usb_drive reset
> destroy usb_drive database
% zicdb use ipod bundle ipod_database_backup.zdb
> backups the "ipod" database into "ipod_database_backup.zdb" file in current directory

**WARNING:** using more than one database will most probably lead to song conflicts and won't be usable
      consider this feature very experimental, use only if you know what you are doing.

**NOTE:** you can alternatively use the "ZDB" environment variable instead

=== serve[::pure]
    Runs a user-accessible www server on port 8080

    don't allow player functionality access

=== list
    List available Databases.

=== reset
    Erases the Database (every previous scan is lost!)

=== bundle <filename>
    Create a bundle (compressed archive) of the database

=== scan <directory|archive> [directory|archive...]
    Scan directories/archive for files and add them to the database

 And much more... see <zicdb|wasp> help for more !