Here you will find screenshots of how GloboNote looks and feel on different operating systems.

GloboNote on different platform

GloboNote in Windows  GloboNote in Linux  GloboNote in Mac OS
GloboNote can run on Windows (left), Linux (center) and MacOS (right) that has Java 6 or higher installed. Create unlimited sticky notes and place it anywhere on your desktop.

Sample Notes using Native Window

GloboNote in Windows  GloboNote in Linux  GloboNote in Mac OS
GloboNote can be configured to use native window frame instead of windowless note. This option is recommended for Linux users.

Search Notes

Search Notes
Search notes using built-in search tool. A shortcut to launch search tool is to click on any sticky note then press Alt-Shift-S

Assign Group Window

Assign Note to a Group
Organize your notes by group. Edit/delete group by right clicking on a group. You can hide/show notes by group.

Note Settings

GloboNote Note's Preferences
Customize the notes using the Note Preference window.

Alarm Settings

Create alarm notes
Set alarms, set recurring alarms, set custom alarm sound using note's alarm settings.

GloboNote General Settings

GloboNote General Preferences Window
Customize GloboNote behavior in General Preference window.

Note's Menu

GloboNote note's menu
Right click on the note to display all functionality

GloboNote Tray Menu

Tray menu
Right click on the GloboNote icon to display menu so you can create new note, show note, hide all notes, search note.