(C) Copyright 2011-2024 by Adalin B.V.

04-07-2023 AeonWave version 3.12.4 released
  • This is the last version of the 3.0 branch.
  • It is also the last version to support any 32-bit architecture.


Audio Scenegraph

AeonWave-HDR 64 is a feature-rich, high resolution, multi-platform audio-scenegraph solution. AeonWave's capabilities extend into 4D space, where distance-time delay support can be activated, but only if you desire it.


The library provides low-latency support by efficiently utilizing the user's hardware. It, for instance, employs automatic load balancing threads when necessary and available (up to 16 cores can be utilized).

Audio-frames support running filters and effects on sub-mixed registered emitters, audio-frames and/or sensors. Multiple interconnected sound emitters can be relocated simply by updating the audio-frame's matrix.

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Instrument Simulation

AeonWave includes a comprehensive software synthesizer. When paired with the freely available MIDI file playback package and over 630 instrument and sound effects files, AeonWave becomes the ideal solution for synthesizer manufacturers.


The software supports parametric synthesis of instruments at an unprecedented level, where no prerecorded sound samples are used, and every parameter is adjustable, from timbre to filters and effects. Alternatively, the software allows for the use of prerecorded instrument sounds and the application of filters and effects to manipulate their audio characteristics.

Combining the Audio Scenegraph and Instrument Simulation marks the beginning of an exciting new application in the field of computer audio: computer-generated audio.

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AeonWave Config is part of AeonWave Support and is a graphical configuration utility to easily manage the default configuration for AeonWave.

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ZeroXML is a zero-malloc, zero-copy, dual licensed (BSD or Public Domain, whichever you prefer) lightweight, cross platform XML file reading abstraction layer which uses mmap to access the XML files. The package also contains the xmlgrep utility.

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