Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
can4linux 2013-10-29
README 2013-10-29 680 Bytes
Totals: 2 Items   680 Bytes 0
can4linux version 4.2

 The Linux CAN device driver

- contains now a virtual CAN mode which can be used without real CAN hardware.
- supports CAN FD with a payload length of up to 64 byte
- support of the Xilinx Zynq CAN controller for the Zedboard  

For more information check the can4linux/INSTALL.pdf
and the web site at http://can-wiki.info/can4linux/man/index.html

The tgz archive matches subversion number 273 as of October 29 2013.

Get the latest version using svn:
svn co  https://svn.code.sf.net/p/can4linux/code/trunk can4linux-code
    the svn version now starts massively changes in the coding style
    to be compatible with the linux kernel coding style.

Source: README, updated 2013-10-29