$Id: ChangeLog,v 1.123 2007/12/13 20:31:23 stpohle Exp $ Version 0.11.8 ================ 14.12.2007 - Changed Docdir to $prefix/share/doc (Felipe Rafailov) - Added some more resolutions. (requested by some users) - Fixed BUG shown in: http://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=242031 (patch from: Petr Gajdos) In network game i wanted to use all the time a different bomb instead of the first free aviable. In the code i forgot to modify some values. This patch should fix it now. (player.c:player_findfreebomb) changed i to nr. - Fixed some drawing issues with flying bombs. - The last special item use was lost on clients in a network game. special.use (was reset during special_clean) special.clean variable added to save the cleaning state. tested and works. - Fixed: kicked bombs can travel in time. (map.bfield was set too early) rewrote full bomb kicked system. - Fixed: compile warning: packets.c(635): error #592: variable "s_mod" is used before its value is set (reported by: David Binderman) - Fixed: Special settings will be saved into the config file. - Changed: all data will have thier own Makefile. So "make install" and "make dist" won't copy the CVS dirs. - Fixed: Second Player Problem this fix includes that if a second player was used the game got somehow very instable, because there have been no reset of all the game data. playerselection works now much better. There have been problems with some keys for the second player. - Fixed: problem on slow networks with the loop that the selected player gfx gots selected and deselected. (infinite loop on the network) - Fixed: problem with overwriting the servers address on clients. problem only seen on server who gets connected from two differen ip addresses. Version 0.11.7 ============== 2006-08-15 - Added: BomberClone Icon to the bomberclone win32 binary. - Added: resolution 1280x800 - Testing: Security Problems found by Luigi Auriemma Bugs: A] memcpy crash in rscache_add B] information disclosure in send_pkg C] simple error message termination for more informations look here: http://aluigi.altervista.org/adv/bcloneboom-adv.txt Solutions to A) rewrote the whole resend cache system, also send_mapinfo needed a bad workaround for a bug i couldn't find out. (to disable the workaround use ./configure CFLAGS=-DBUG_MAPINFO) B) made sure that the size of a packet is set right before send over the network. Found only the function (do_gameinfo) where something like this occured. do_pkg will also check the size of the incoming packet with the p->h.len value. C) accept the error packets only from the server of a game. Since only the server will send such type of packets. - Fixed: Security Problem found by Stefan Cornelius. For more information look here: https://lists.uni-koeln.de/pipermail/sec-info/Week-of-Mon-20060313/006561.html - Added: "more random" by Patrik Nilsson: This map type is just a hacked version of "autogenerated", and is as the name tells more random. Since both block, rock and nothing are placed randomly inside the border. - Fixed: High CPU usage in menus. This fix was made by Chris E.. - Fixed: Bug with more as 8 diffrent player graphics. The window size hasen't changed if there where more as 8 different player graphics to choose from. - Removed the Dedicated Server Support from the game. The whole bomberclone game is not desinged for a dedicated server. The test shown that the whole game would have to be rewritten. Also that the host can leave the game would not work no more. Version - Client network player could die two times in a game. After receiving the playerdata packet from a client did the server first the player_set_gfx routine first. Which send a playerid packet with a alife player back. Changed: player_set_gfx routine will be called after setting the state of a player. Also do_playerid will check if the game is not running or the player is still alife to set this value. - Dedicated server support (only testing). - Fixed do_quit and send_quit. - Fixed number of players in running games was always set to 0. Version - Display the number of players for each listed network game. - Ghost Player added. - Playername will not overlapped by the player gfx anymore. - Added menuswitch to enable/disable broadcast requests. Version 0.11.6 ============== 2005-03-27 - Fixed: pkg_resendcache, no right calaculation for the size of the saved packet. - Changed: Version number and the ping time to each game (ver 0.11.6 or later) of network games will show up. - Added: Parameter -gamename to set the games name from the command line. - Added: Network Join will find Local games without OGC. Broadcasted UDP Packets will be send to find games. 2005-02-20 - Fixed: Network Player died in a game. All network players will controll thier own dead. (needed on slow networks) - Added: 1600x1280 Resolution 2005-01-30 - Fixed: Makefile.am in datadir. Pixmap for the icon was not installed. 2004-12-27 - Fixed: moving and liquid bombs where not working right. we checked the wrong map.bfield value. Version 0.11.5 ============== 2004-12-26 - Fixed: Multiplayer more as three players could not play. There was a bug in the automatic firewall detection. - Added: Show a simple information of what keys are used in the multiplayer screen. - Chagned: In Singleplayer you can select now 0 AI Players. - Fixed: Teamdata (as Names and Colors) will be send over the network. - Fixed: udp_send: bad file error fixed, in single mode we was still sending the quit information to all clients. - Fixed: Alot other strange network bugs. I.e. the rejoin part and that the server can leave part was not right. Version 0.11.4 ============== 2004-12-12 - Fixed: Teamdata wasn't send right, net_send_playerid changed, send_playerdata and do_playerdata fixed. - Fixed: Problems with the second local player join and leaving. Also the second local player won't get informations which the first local player already had. - Bombs will not explode right on slow computers.. it seems they jump one field to far. fixed: rewrote part of the do_explosion stuff and part of the explosion_restore function. Explosion was growing on slow PC more as one field per cycle. - AI: Player die on a slow computer because they move more as 1 Field. This might be also the problem Acidjnk told me about. Variable dir_change added so we won't have anymore so many suicides. little more work on the AI, there are still some kind of problems. Maybe i'll rewrite the whole AI again. - fixed: Server starts the game soo fast that the client's ignore the gamestat for a running game. Check if all players are ready. - Makefile.am in include and data changed so make dist will work fine as well as make install won't install anymore all the useless *.h files. - the firewall flag will be enabled and disabled automaticly. Datapacket PKG_contest created to make it possible to work. - only players who are in the game will be able to send gamedata related packets to the game. (do_pkg() changed) - fixed: AI won't have anymore so many suicide deaths. - New Team menu Handling. - changed: Playermenu (F2 in the Playerselection screen). You will see some details about the other players and you can go to the teammenu from here. - fixed: udp_send:: Invalid argument Error Message net_game_send_delplayer had a problem with the second local player. - changed: Chat Mode will always keep active if there is only one player on one computer. If there are two player we have to press F5 to activate the chatwindow. - fixed: Quit Game wasn't working from the in game menu - fixed: Network Version Error. There is no possible Escape. - fixed: Single Player Menu there was no ESC key working - fixed: Player Selection Screen (single player) ESC key wasn't working and also closing the program haven't worked. Version 0.11.3 ============== 2004-06-15 - ingame menus, like the "Quit Game" question, and a End Round menu. - menuhandling changed some internal things, so it is possible to create more menus at the time. it is possible to write own menuloops. (this is used in the new playerselection screen and playermenu screen.) - new playerselectionscreen, needed because of the second local player. - password protection for own games so they can be listed, on the OGC but only people with the password will be able to join. - userdefined keyboad settings. read the file src/keyb.c for the current keyboard settings. - Added: the server can now kick players from the game - Added: programm parameters for automatic joining/hosting a game, using ogc, port configuation and debug mode. for more informations use the parameter "-help". - Fixed: respawning of the player will continue and finish when we go into Hurry Mode. - Fixed: bombs will start ticking when another special is taken or the player died. - Fixed: statusbar will forced to update if a player finished respawning. - Fixed: number of items which have been dropped. If not all items could been set a debug message will be printed into the console or stdout.txt. - Fixed: items can not anymore droped on bombs. - Fixes the issue of it making incorrect assumptions about the initial range of bombs and placing players in unsafe positions. by dcdillion Version 0.11.2 ============== 2004-02-08 - Fixed: forgot to put the Message F4 to start the game into the playerselection screen. I put this only into the Gamescreen right before the game starts. Added even the F4 Button into the Help Screen. - Fixed: DropItems haven't been resetted on dropping items. - Fixed: Firewall Flag wasn't set right on all clients for the players. The same with the pkg_fwd routine i not only needed packets to the other clients. I send even some Serveronly packets. - Fixed: Redraw Menuitems only if changes were made. - Fixed: Logo is now shown after change of resolution. - Fixed: Bombtickingtime could not be read from the config file. - Fixed: If you select "Host a Netgame" nothing happened if firewall was enabled. Now a error message is displayed. - Fixed: Chat input in multiplayer wait menu is now smoother. - Changed: Download-Screen shows now a progress bar. Additionally, every player can now see the download progress of all other players. - Fixed: Single Lost Fire on the field will be put now in the animation list now which will check an decrease the ex[*].count value as long as no specialy explosion was found. - Fixed/Added: display messages enabled again (after disabling for changing the menu style with version 0.11.0) - Changed: new player position placement, that works much better as the old version (coded by dcdillon) - Changed: if no human players are left the game will end - Added: Manual Section into the Game. And the MENU_image element to show some graphic in the menus. - Changed: Games with only AI Players left will end. As a draw game. So it won't get borring to keep watching the ai players. Version 0.11.1 ============== 2004-02-01 - Added: Deathmatch mode. - Added: Kick Bombs special - Fixed: Network initialization at quit removed - Fixed: packets.c: do/send_playermove tunnelto wasn't converted into network arch. - Fixed: packets.h: pkg_playermove speed changed to Sint16 - Fixed: gfxpixelimage.c colors on bigendian Systems Red and Blue mask was switched - Fixed: network.h: NET_CANSEND fixed, didn't checked right for the server - Fixed: crash if no tileset was selected in the selection menu. (error was in menu.c:menu_dir_select) - Fixed: (Network) three more stones will be restored if a new bombdata packet reaches the player. - Changed all Images to PNG. From now on there is alpha blending supported too. - Added: Game Setting start_bombs, start_range, start_bombs and bomb_tickingtime. - Added: Drop Items On Death element. You can collect now your opponents items if he died. - Fixed: Missing "Press F4 to Start" Screen Text in Multiplayer - Fixed: Networking over IPv6 had a little network init problem - Fixed: Crash on Hosting games with OGC enabled and no internet connection - Fixed: player_move had a problem with the speed of the player on slow systems. - Fixed: Major networking and packet handling problem. inpkg_check fixed, strange crash fixed was reading from players[addr->pl_nr].* where addr->pl_nr was set to -1. Function inpkg_delplayer added so all inconig indexdata for double packets can be deleted. This made a big problem when someone disconnected and tryed to rejoin Version 0.11.0 ============== 2004-01-06 - Added Programm options to the game. For more information run BomberClone with -help. - Compiler Flag added for disabling debuging. Compiler Flags -ggdb and -O0 won'T be set no more. ./configure --disable-debug - Added smal help screen in the multiplayer selection screen. - Fixed: If the player is move on a field where is currently an explosion then will the player die. - wrote new OpenGameCache Server for this game and other games. This server is working almost the same way as BCMServ did. Except that there is no Broadcasted chat for now (but i will enable this soon again). OGC Link: http://bomberclone.sourceforge.net/OpenGameCache/ - Menuhandling complete rewritten and changed. GUI created for menus: lists, buttons, check boxes labels and other things created. -new menugraphics made by DJ Mirage. -mapmenu written by Patty -the bad response form the game to users action should be fixed. - FullScreen switching from within the game by pressing (F8 Works for some Reason only in Linux) - Changed part of the Networkhandling to detect who is the Game Server. - AI Players can join network games. - Changed all positions and framenumbers to float. Together with this i can drop the hard 20ms gameloop limitation. So the game will be able to run on slower systems and compare the loss of frames. - some more music tracks added to the game. DJ Mirage made a page where people could upload some songs. - BomberClone music file "cinderella_clown.mod" thanks to Psycho (http://www.moods.2xs.de/) Version 0.10.1 ============== 2003-09-13 - accepted Solaris, .cvsignore and bzero patch Patch from pak21 (https://sourceforge.net/users/pak21/) - BomberCloneMServ will have even a playerlist of a game, so you will know who have joined a game. - added big endian support, so non intel-style computers will be able to play over the network now too. - added liquid and moving bombs special. - timer options, for how long the game will go. - added tunnels to the game so player can go through. PKG_playermove changed and PGK_tunneldata added - the first music file added to the game made by Digital_D the music files will be played out of the music directory randomly - chat windows size will be bigger in multiplayer games and in single games the space for the chat window is used for the gamefield size. Version 0.10.0 ============== 2003-07-27 - Added: two ways the game can end now. the old Bomberman style with getting the size of the gamefield down and another one with putting in the game alot of powerups. the game even has a timeout of 10 minutes + the 2 minutes of the end game sequence. - Makefile.am fixed in the data direktory. Added ${prefix}/ and changed @PREFIX_PACKAGE_DATA_DIR@ to @NO_PREFIX_PACKAGE_DATA_DIR@ . So debian packages can be generated easyly soon. - GFX: scaling routine speeded up a little bit. Using inline functions and much less "switch case". - TekKRat made two new players, the first two tilesets with the pseudo 3D effect (64x96 pixel tileset) and another tileset. (cemetery, sheep, hell and farm) - caccola made another Tileset (supermario) - Added: Switch to enable/disable broadcasted chats. So the confusing will stop why there are unknown people talking. You can enable it in the Network Options. - Fixed: chat_findfreeline, there was a bug in the source and destination of copying the chatlines. Thats why the chat got mixed up after 255 lines. - Added: maps have more options to set and it will be displayed in the multiplayer menu, this options can be saved for every map seperated. - GFX: source cleanup. Player will now drawn in order they stay tileset will change we can support 64x64pixel size and 64x92pixel size tilesets no sdl_blit* calls from game_loop for the game gfx.. working on a new engine with sorting the tiles and update rects. The new size tilesets filenames are block96.bmp for the block.bmp file stone96.bmp for the stone.bmp file. If in one directory are two files one stone.bmp and ston96.bmp the game will always take the stone.bmp file. Version 0.9.9 ============= 2003-07-13: fix2 - special trigger over, all trigger bombs have to be set to normal bombs with max timeout 5 sec - pushing bombs and wrong directin illness - fixed: remove network flag from disconected players so we won't send data to players in the game which have already disconnected - fixed: player_findfreebomb - trigger bomb + bomblaying illness have let explode always a bomb at your place. - sometimes you can drop more bombs as allowed if you have to row-special 2003-06-21: fix1 - fixed: bombs can only dropped on an empty field. Bug came with version 0.9.9 - the last bomb who explode from a player won't anymore be used right away. We only use it if there is no other bomb free. - bfield fixed on incoming bombdata packets - network packet timeout set down to 400ms - screen clipping of gfx_AddUpdateRect - draw_field, draw_player and restore player function fixed, problems with position on the field is greater as the fieldsize. (SDL BadValue) 2003-06-12 - PowerUps will be painted diffrent now. Depend on what it is. - Chat Input Box won't be deleted if a game is over or is going to start - New Font Drawing enginge, so we can draw in with diffrent fonts and colors. - Network Option added for people who are playing behind a firewall. Portforwarding should not anymore needed. Except you want to open a game. - Added Sound Support (thanks to Henrik Enqvist for the help and the sound files.) - Added new special powerups (Patty) - Fixed make install, so the source will be able to install correctly now with the data packages - AI Players are working now Version 0.9.8 ============= 2003-05-12 - Added: a new powerup and two new illnesses. (Patty) - Fixed: the gfx engine will not anymore take too much CPU usage (Patty) - Changed: the Background Fields can now have a bigger texture, size 1x1 (64x64), 2x2(128x128), 3x3... - Changed: You can now change the map settings even in the Player selection menu. (kitutou) - Added: tileset support with random tileset selection thanks to (thaphool) for the jungle tileset - Added: loadable maps. (ob1kenewb) with random map selection (kitutou) - Changed: now the send packet option will be set for every player directly, so if a slow player joins, it should not anymore slow down the whole network game. - Fixed: disconnected player are not anymore shown in the Player Selection screen. - Fixed/Add: first support for international keyboards, so the shift key will work. thanks to (ob1kenewb) ! - Fixed: SuSe could not compile the game right. #include was needed. not only - Fixed: Problem if the Server Quit.. the game haven't stopped The whole network situation within the game got mixed up Version 0.9.7 ============= 2003-04-27 - Fixed: Problem when the server leaves the game. Got the MasterServer a message that all the clients have opened a game. - Added: You can now choose between 16, 24 and 32 bits per pixel. - Fixed: PI_bomb illness. - Changed the way of how the speed gets increased. Version 0.9.6 ============= 2003-04-23 - better handling with the masterserver menu. If you want to join a game you don't need anymore to refresh the list. Because the game will get some updates from the MasterServer. - You can finaly get more as only one illness. And you can get the Ill now from another player. - Some work in the menu. - In the game you will see now the little Player Graphic left from the name. It will help you to see who is who in the game. - Fixed Problem with PI_keys Illness. (that the one with the mixed up keys) Version 0.9.5 ============= 2003-04-13 - Add: Chatting you are able to chat now.. it's connecting all running games together into the chat. You will see Chats who are not from your server beginning with BC: or IRC: depends who this message come from. - Better Graphics - Better Network, the option for how many packets will be send is chaning within the game. Depends on how much packets timed out. 4) 2003-04-06 - You can no join into running games. - Fixed some network bugs. Which had to do with joining and leaving running games 0-3) 2003-03-29 - internal change for the positions on the field to 16bit. player moves smother now. - diffrent screen resolutions - random player start positions - the size of the field can be changed - playergraphic is better now. - menus are diffrent now. - configuration is saved in a special file. on linux $HOME/.bomberclone.cfg on windows bomberclone.cfg Version 0.8 =========== 0-2) 2003-03-15 - Added two more Powerups (diffrent speeds, and ilness) - Fixed some problems with the bombes which didn't wanted to explode. - Debug-Messages can now be switched off. this improve the speed in the game on slow computers. Version 0.7 =========== 1) 2003-03-06 - Master GameServer Support, So everyone will see running games. You don't need to deal anymore with the Servernames. - GFX: New Playerfile now we have three diffrent Players Version 0.6 =========== 12) 2003-02-27 - Fixed: The ServerMode Packet will be send with the PKGF_ackreq Flag. Because sometimes the clients haven't got the packet. And couldn't play in the game. - Fixed: Single Player Problem after trying to open a Multiplayer server is the Single Player mode not working right.. the Player could not die. - Fixed: Multiplayer, the game was counting the poinbts wrong and there was always a winner marked even if everybody died. 11) 2003-02-24 - Fixed: bombs which are exploding more times on slow networks. I had some little misstake in the inpkg_check function. - I am sending now only needed packages, moving packages will be only every second time maybe every third time. The user is able to choose how often the package should be send. - Finaly there is a playerstatistic in the end of the game. It will hold the points and who have won the game. - The game is not ending right there where the last player died. I put a timeout in the game of 5 seconds. So the last few bombs will explode. - pkg_error: will be shown on the screen. - version controll: old bomberclone versions will be ignored and they get a error message back. 10) 2003-02-21 - Some work on the Network Protocoll, because there are still some problems with sending the Data Version 0.5 =========== 9) 2003-02-14 - In Multiplayergames, only the Server will let the Bombs explode. Manny tests have shown that this is the best way to prevent some difficults in the game with the field, bomb and explosion data. - code optimized in working with struct _sockaddr because sockaddr_in6 is larger as sockaddr which is usualy used for all/the most type of network connection. 5-8) 2003-02-13 - i made some experiments with sending bomb information and field information over the network. - created a inpkg_index to check for incoming packets which we have already got. 4) 2003-02-12 - bomb explosion will be send over the network 3) 2003-02-12 - Better Network Handling Check for important packages (pkg_field, pkg_bomb) and send them again. Created a resend_cache. - Windows: i put now WSAStartup and WASCleanup in the network_init and network_shutdown function. Windows User should now able to join more times games without restarting the game. - MSVC: moved the function "explosion_check_field" in file bomb.c out of the function "do_explosion" and the function "check_field" in file player.c out of the function "move_player". The same i have done with "draw_netupdatestate" and "wait_draw_select". Because MSVC had some problems with function in function declaration. Version 0.4 =========== 2) 2003-02-11: - if the server don't reply after a while we will get back in the join menu. 1) 2003-02-10: - mouse cursor is not anymore on the windows/screen. - Fixed: Bomb Under Player Bug - Build Number is now included. It will show up in the Main Menu. 2003-02-07: - Save every sockaddr in the in_pl struct so we don't have to look up them again and again - Making changes in the Data Download Sequence. - Chaning the Network Protocol from TCP to UDP. And putting everything inside what is needed for a basic work. - Linux supports IPv6 and IPv4, you can choose it in the settings - I have got the first animated player for the game. I hope the next will follow soon. Version 0.3 =========== - First Try to Compile everything on Windows and Linux. - Network doesn't work fine with more as two Players and a Windows Client It works only with more as two players on Linux Systems. Version 0.2 =========== - Added functions for animations. - Network Support does now work somehow on Linux Version 0.1 =========== - You can finally move your player the bombs are exploding. - Basic Graphics, just some experiments within the game