Firewall und Emule

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Firewall und Emule

#1 Post by fckoelnuser »

Hallo, was habe ich bei der Firewall verkehrt gemacht? Sobald ich diese starte, komme ich nicht mehr ins INet. Mein 2 tes Prob, sind die Einstellungen richtig für den Esel?
Was habe ich verkehrt gemacht?
# Should the Firewall be started?
# This setting is done in /etc/rc.config (START_FW="yes")

# 2.)
# Which is the interface that points to the internet?
# Enter all the network devices here which are untrusted.
# Choice: any number of devices, seperated by a space
# e.g. "eth0", "ippp0 ippp1"

# You *may* configure a static IP and netmask to force rule loading even if the
# interface is not up and running: set a variable called
# see below for an example. Otherwise automatic detection is done.
# You will still need to set FW_DEV_WORLD first!
# e.g. for exernal interface ippp0

# 3.)
# Which is the interface that points to the internal network?
# Enter all the network devices here which are trusted.
# If you are not connected to a trusted network (e.g. you have just a
# dialup) leave this empty.
# Choice: leave empty or any number of devices, seperated by a space
# e.g. "tr0", "eth0 eth1" or ""

# You may configure a static IP and netmask to force rule loading even if the
# interface is not up and running: set a variable called
# see below for an example. Otherwise automatic detection is done.
# You will still need to set FW_DEV_INT first!
# e.g. for internal interface eth0

# 4.)
# Which is the interface that points to the dmz network?
# Enter all the network devices here which point to the dmz.
# A "dmz" is a special, seperated network, which is only connected to the
# firewall, and should be reachable from the internet to provide services,
# e.g. WWW, Mail, etc. and hence are at risk from attacks.
# See /usr/share/doc/packages/SuSEfirewall/EXAMPLES for an example.
# Special note: You have to configure FW_FORWARD_TCP and FW_FORWARD_UDP to
# define the services which should be available to the internet and set
# FW_ROUTE to yes.
# Very special note: servers/networks in FW_MASQ_NETS may access the DMZ to
# the same extent they are allowed to access the internet! No FW_FORWARD_*
# needed ...
# Choice: leave empty or any number of devices, seperated by a space
# e.g. "tr0", "eth0 eth1" or ""

# You may configure a static IP and netmask to force rule loading even if the
# interface is not up and running: set a variable called
# see below for an example. Otherwise automatic detection is done.
# You will still need to set FW_DEV_DMZ first!
# e.g. for dmz interface eth1

# 5.)
# Should routing between the internet, dmz and internal network be activated?
# You need only set this to yes, if you either want to masquerade internal
# machines or allow access to the dmz (or internal machines, but this is not
# a good idea). This option supersedes IP_FORWARD from /etc/rc.config!
# Setting this option one alone doesn't do anything. Either activate
# massquerading with FW_MASQUERADE below if you want to masquerade your# internal network to the internet, or configure FW_FORWARD_TCP and/or
# FW_FORWARD_UDP to define what is allowed to be forwarded!
# Choice: "yes" or "no", defaults to "no"

# 6.)
# Do you want to masquerade internal networks to the outside?
# "Masquerading" means that all your internal machines which use services on
# the internet seem to come from your firewall.
# Please note that it is more secure to communicate via proxies to the
# internet than masquerading
# Choice: "yes" or "no", defaults to "no"

# Which internal computers/networks are allowed to access the internet
# directly (not via proxys on the firewall)?
# Only these networks will be allowed access and will be masqueraded!
# Please note this config changed in firewals-2.3: You may either use just
# hosts/nets to allow all traffic from them to the internet, or use an extended
# syntax, to restrict internet access to certain services!
# Choice: leave empty or any number of hosts/networks seperated by a space.
# Every host/network may get a list of allowed services, otherwise everything
# is allowed. A protocol and service is appended by a comma to the host/network.
# e.g. "" allows the whole network with unrestricted access
# ",tcp,80,tcp,21" allows the network to use
# www/ftp to the internet. ",tcp,1024:65535" is OK too.
# You may NOT set this variable to "0/0" !

# If you want (and you should) you may also set the FW_MASQ_DEV option, to
# specify the outgoing interface to masquerade on. (You would normally use
# the external interface(s), the FW_DEV_WORLD device(s), e.g. "ippp0")
# e.g. "ippp0" or "$FW_DEV_WORLD"

# 7.)
# Do you want to protect the firewall from the internal network?
# If you set this to "yes", internal machines may only access services on
# the machine you explicitly allow. They will be also affected from the
# If you set this to "no", any user can connect (and attack) any service on
# the firewall.
# Choice: "yes" or "no", defaults to "yes"

# 8.)
# Do you want to autoprotect all global running services?
# If set to "yes", all network access to services TCP and UDP on this machine
# which are not bound to a special IP address will be prevented (except to
# those which you explicitly allow, see below: FW_*_SERVICES_*)
# Example: "" would be protected, but "" not.
# Choice: "yes" or "no", defaults to "yes"
# "yes" is a good choice

# 9.)
# Which services ON THE FIREWALL should be accessible from either the internet
# (or other untrusted networks), the dmz or internal (trusted networks)?
# (see no.13 & 14 if you want to route traffic through the firewall)
# Enter all ports or known portnames below, seperated by a space.
# TCP services (e.g. SMTP, WWW) must be set in FW_SERVICES_*_TCP, and
# UDP services (e.g. syslog) must be set in FW_SERVICES_*_UDP.
# e.g. if a webserver on the firewall should be accessible from the internet:
# e.g. if the firewall should receive syslog messages from the dmz:
# For IP protocols (like GRE for PPTP, or OSPF for routing) you need to set
# FW_SERVICES_*_IP with the protocol name or number (see /etc/protocols)
# Choice: leave empty or any number of ports, known portnames (from
# /etc/services) and port ranges seperated by a space. Port ranges are
# written like this, from 1 to 10: "1:10"
# e.g. "", "smtp", "123 514", "3200:3299", "ftp 22 telnet 512:514"
# For FW_SERVICES_*_IP enter the protocol name (like "igmp") or number ("2")
# Services, visible to the external net (normally internet), TCP
# Common: smtp domain
FW_SERVICES_EXTERNAL_TCP="4662:4672 http https pop3 pop3s smtp"
# Services, visible to the external net (normally internet), UDP
# Common: domain
# Externally visible services, other IP protocols
# For VPN/Routing which END at the firewall!!

# Services visible to the DMZ, TCP
# Common: smtp domain
# Services visible to the DMZ, UDP
# Common: domain syslog
# Services visible to the DMZ, other IP protocols
# For VPN/Routing which END at the firewall!!

# Services, visible to the internal net, TCP
# Common: ssh smtp domain
# Services, visible to the internal net, UDP
# Common: domain syslog
# For VPN/Routing which END at the firewall!!

# 10.)
# Which services should be accessible from trusted hosts/nets on the internet?
# Define trusted networks on the internet, and the TCP and/or UDP services
# they are allowed to use.
# Choice: leave FW_TRUSTED_NETS empty or any number of computers and/or
# networks, seperated by a space. e.g. "", ""

# leave FW_SERVICES_TRUSTED_* empty or any number of ports, known portnames
# (from /etc/services) and port ranges seperated by a space.
# e.g. "25", "ssh", "1:65535", "1 3:5"
# Services, available to trusted hosts/nets, TCP
# Common: ssh
# Services, available to trusted hosts/nets, UDP
# Common: syslog time ntp
# Services, available to trusted hosts/nets, other IP protos
# For VPN/Routing which END at the firewall!!

# Some people want to allow some trusted machines access to some services
# and different services to others. OK, here is your hardcore config option:
# "trusted_net,protocol,port" e.g. ",tcp,80,tcp,21"

# 11.)
# How is access allowed to high (unpriviliged [above 1023]) ports?
# You may either allow everyone from anyport access to your highports ("yes"),
# disallow anyone ("no"), anyone who comes from a defined port (portnumber or
# known portname) [note that this is easy to circumvent!], or just your
# defined nameservers ("DNS").
# Note that if you want to use normal (active) ftp, you have to set the TCP
# option to ftp-data. If you use passive ftp, you don't need that.
# Note that you can't use rpc requests (e.g. rpcinfo, showmount) as root
# from a firewall using this script (well, you can if you include range
# 600:1023 in FW_SERVICES_EXTERNAL_UDP ...).
# Choice: "yes", "no", "DNS", portnumber or known portname, defaults to "no"
# Incoming connections on ports >= 1024, TCP
# Common: "ftp-data" (sadly!)
# Incoming connections on ports >= 1024, UDP
# Common: "DNS" or "domain ntp"

# 12.)
# Are you running some of the services below?
# They need special attention - otherwise they won´t work!
# Set services you are running to "yes", all others to "no", defaults to "no"
# if yes, FW_SERVICES_*_TCP needs to have port 53
# (or "domain") set to allow incoming queries.
# also FW_ALLOW_INCOMING_HIGHPORTS_UDP needs to be "yes"
# if you use dhclient to get an ip address
# you have to set this to "yes" !
# set to "yes" if this server is a DHCP server
# set to "yes" if this server uses samba as client
# or server. As a server, you still have to set
# Everyone may send you udp 137/138 packets if set
# to yes! (samba on the firewall is not a good idea!)

# 13.)
# Which services accessed from the internet should be allowed to the
# dmz (or internal network - if it is not masqueraded)?
# With this option you may allow access to e.g. your mailserver. The
# machines must have valid, non-private, IP addresses which were assigned to
# you by your ISP. This opens a direct link to your network, so only use
# this option for access to your dmz!!!!
# Choice: leave empty (good choice!) or use the following explained syntax
# of forwarding rules, seperated each by a space.
# A forwarding rule consists of 1) source IP/net, 2) destination IP (dmz/intern)
# and 3) destination port (or IP protocol), seperated by a comma (","), e.g.
# ",,22" [means: net with netmask is
# allowed to connect to the single server on port 22 (which is SSH)]
# ",,22,,22"
# For FW_FORWARD_IP it is ",,igmp" or ",,1"
# Forward TCP connections
# Beware to use this!
# Forward UDP connections
# Beware to use this!
# Forward other IP protocol connections (for VPN setups)
# Beware to use this!

# 14.)
# Which services accessed from the internet should be allowed to masqueraded
# servers (on the internal network or dmz)?
# With this option you may allow access to e.g. your mailserver. The
# machines must be in a masqueraded segment and may not have public IP addesses!
# Hint: if FW_DEV_MASQ is set to the external interface you have to set
# FW_FORWARD_* from internal to DMZ for the service as well!
# Please note that this should *not* be used for security reasons! You are
# opening a hole to your precious internal network. If e.g. the webserver there
# is compromised - your full internal network is compromised!!
# Choice: leave empty (good choice!) or use the following explained syntax
# of forward masquerade rules, seperated each by a space.
# A forward masquerade rule consists of 1) source IP/net, 2) destination IP
# (dmz/intern) and 3) destination port, seperated by a comma (","), e.g.
# ",,22",
# ",,22,,22"
# Forward TCP connections to masqueraded host
# Beware to use this!
# Forward UDP connections to masqueraded host
# Beware to use this!
# it is not possible to masquerade other IP protocols, hence no _IP variable
# 15.)
# Which accesses to services should be redirected to a localport on the
# firewall machine?
# This can be used to force all internal users to surf via your squid proxy,
# or transparently redirect incoming webtraffic to a secure webserver.
# Choice: leave empty or use the following explained syntax of redirecting
# rules, seperated by a space.
# A redirecting rule consists of 1) source IP/net, 2) destination IP/net,
# 3) original destination port and 4) local port to redirect the traffic to,
# seperated by a colon. e.g. ",0/0,80,3128 0/0,,80,8080"
# Redirect TCP connections
# Redirect UDP connections

# 16.)
# Which logging level should be enforced?
# You can define to log packets which were accepted or denied.
# You can also the set log level, the critical stuff or everything.
# Note that logging *_ALL is only for debugging purpose ...
# Choice: "yes" or "no", FW_LOG_*_CRIT defaults to "yes",
# FW_LOG_*_ALL defaults to "no"
# Log critical denied network packets
# Log all denied packets
# Log critical accepted packets
# Log all accepted packets
# 17.)
# Do you want to enable additional kernel TCP/IP security features?
# If set to yes, some obscure kernel options are set.
# (icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses, icmp_echoreply_rate,
# icmp_destunreach_rate, icmp_paramprob_rate, icmp_timeexeed_rate,
# ip_local_port_range, log_martians, mc_forwarding, mc_forwarding,
# rp_filter, routing flush)
# Tip: Set this to "no" until you have verified that you have got a
# configuration which works for you. Then set this to "yes" and keep it
# if everything still works. (It should!) <img src="" border="0" align="middle">
# If you are using VPNs (e.g. FreeSWAN) or are combining several ISDN lines
# or similar to one, you have to set this to "no" !
# Choice: "yes" or "no", defaults to "yes"

# 18.)
# Keep the routing set on, if the firewall rules are unloaded?
# If you are using diald, or automatic dialing via ISDN, if packets need
# to be sent to the internet, you need to turn this on. The script will then
# not turn off routing and masquerading when stopped.
# You *might* also need this if you have got a DMZ.
# Please note that this is *insecure*! If you unload the rules, but are still
# connected, you might your internal network open to attacks!
# The better solution is to remove "/sbin/SuSEfirewall stop" or
# "/sbin/init.d/firewall stop" from the ip-down script!
# Choices "yes" or "no", defaults to "no"
# 19.)
# Allow (or don't) ICMP echo pings on either the firewall or the dmz from
# the internet?
# Choice: "yes" or "no", defaults to "no"
# Allow ping on firewall
# Allow ping on DMZ targets

# END of firewall.rc.config


Re: Firewall und Emule

#2 Post by arthur »

hi fckoelnuser,
hier die iptables regeln für emule

set ipt = /usr/sbin/iptables

$ipt -I FORWARD 1 -p tcp --dport 4242:4665 -j ACCEPT
$ipt -I FORWARD 1 -p tcp --sport 4242:4665 -j ACCEPT
$ipt -t nat -I PREROUTING 1 -p tcp -s ! --dport 4242:4665 -j DNAT --to
$ipt -t nat -I PREROUTING 1 -p tcp -s ! --sport 4242:4665 -j DNAT --to
$ipt -I FORWARD 1 -p udp --dport 4242:4665 -j ACCEPT
$ipt -I FORWARD 1 -p udp --sport 4242:4665 -j ACCEPT
$ipt -t nat -I PREROUTING 1 -p udp -s ! --dport 4242:4665 -j DNAT --to
$ipt -t nat -I PREROUTING 1 -p udp -s ! --sport 4242:4665 -j DNAT --to

hab aber keine ahnung wie du das in das firewallskript einbaust (ist suse oder?)
versuche mal zu googeln - kann mich schwach erinner auf einige einträge in versichen foren mal gesehen zu haben.
noch ein tip aus eigener erfahrung: für mich war es einfacher die iptables zu lernen als die suse firewall zu konfigurieren.


danke für die 3 pkt. und 4 tore :)

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