Unix Timestamp zu human readable

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Unix Timestamp zu human readable

#1 Post by killerhippy »

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# See Usage about this script.
# Author: Sascha Wuestemann
# Date  : 2007-08-15
# Email : develop@killerhippy.de

Usage () {
        echo "$0 needs the unix timestamp"
        echo "and converts it to human readable date."

function CheckInput() {
        # should be a positive integer
        # check if we have got anything
        test -z "$1" && return 1
        # check if we have an integer
        echo "$1" | egrep -q '^[[:space:]]*[+-]?[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]*$' || return 2
        # check if it is in limits, unused here
        #[ "$1" -lt "-10" -o "$1" -gt "+10" ] && return 3;
        # check if it greater 0 instead
        [ "$1" -gt "0" ] || return 3;
        return 0
        # Thanks to Linuxfibel, see
        # http://www.linuxfibel.de/bashprog.htm

function GetInput() {
        # This is called once only if there was no argument given.
        # Then we might get it while running
        echo -n "Give unix timestamp:"
        read INPUT
        # Keep running only if we have got an integer greater zero
        CheckInput $INPUT && Execute $INPUT || exit 1

function Execute() {
        date -d "1970-01-01 $1 sec" "+%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S"
        # Thanks to Ingo Blechschmidt, see
        # http://www.pro-linux.de/news/2004/7199.html

# uncomment the following line for debugging
#set -xv

CheckInput $INPUT
# The follwing cases are:
# 1 empty argument or input.
# 2 argument is no integer
# 3 argument is not greater zero.
# 0 argument is an integer and greater zero.
case $? in
        1)      Usage;
        2)      Usage;
                exit 1;
        3)      Usage;
                exit 1;
        0)      Execute $INPUT;
                exit 0;
exit 0
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#2 Post by killerhippy »

Huch, hätte nicht hier hingehört.
Es gibt keine dumme Fragen!


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