fli4l -Gnomemeeting/Netmeeting (IP-Telefonie)

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fli4l -Gnomemeeting/Netmeeting (IP-Telefonie)

#1 Post by heinbloed »

Nachdem ich, zu meiner eigenen Verwunderung, es geschafft habe den fli4l ans
laufen zu bekommen braüchte ich Hinweise dafür, wie man "Netmeeting" bzw
Gnomemeeting nutzen kann..
Dabei bin ich fast überzeugt, das mein Base.txt richtig ist,weil ich da was
von "MASQ_MODULE_2='h323' gelesen habe.....leider ist es so nicht möglich:
Gnomemeeting meldet sich zwar am ils-Server an,aber es kommt kein "Anruf" zu
stande;die Verbindung wird sofort beendet.
Wo bitte kann ich dran drehen, das es klappt?
Durch die Online-Schule die ich besuche,brauche ich die Möglichkeit um Kontakt
mit Tutoren usw aufzunehmen...
Danke euch für einen kurzen Hinweis.Um es auch euch so einfach wie nur möglich
zu machen,habe ich die Base.txt mal hier kopiert.Dabei bin ich mir fast
sicher, das Ihr es auf den ersten Blick seht......
Nachmals Danke,

## base.txt - fli4l configuration parameters 2.0.8
## You can edit/change this file with fliwiz V1.6 or any text editor.
## P L E A S E R E A D T H E D O C U M E N T A T I O N ,
## S E E R E A D M E . T X T
## B I T T E U N B E D I N G T D I E D O K U M E N T A T I O N
## L E S E N , S I E H E R E A D M E . T X T
## Creation: 26.06.2001 fm
## Last Update: $Id: base.txt,v 2002/12/02 15:21:02 rresch Exp $
## Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Frank Meyer <frank@fli4l.de>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.

# General settings:
HOSTNAME='fli4l' # name of fli4l router
PASSWORD='koelner' # password for telnetd, ftpd and sshd
MOUNT_BOOT='rw' # mount boot device (floppy): ro, rw, no

RAMSIZE='2048' # size of ramdisk for unzipped opt.tgz
# the variables MOUNT_OPT, PART_OPT and UPDATE_MODE will be ignored if
# RAMSIZE is not empty. see docu
MOUNT_OPT='ro' # mount opt device: ro, rw
PART_OPT='hda2' # location of opt-files? ram1 or
UPDATE_MODE='full' # add, cfg, full, none, see documentation

# Ethernet card drivers:
# uncomment your ethernet card
ETH_DRV_N='1' # number of ethernet drivers to load, usually
#-->ausgeschnitten -der Treiber läuft ja bei mir <img src="http://www.pl-forum.de/UltraBoard/Images/Happy.gif" border="0" align="middle">

ETH_DRV_1_OPTION='' # additional option, e.g. 'io=0x340' for ne

# Ether networks used with IP protocol:
IP_ETH_N='1' # number of ip ethernet networks, usually
IP_ETH_1_NAME='' # optional: other device name than ethX
IP_ETH_1_IPADDR='' # IP address of your n'th ethernet card
IP_ETH_1_NETWORK='' # network of your LAN
IP_ETH_1_NETMASK='' # netmask of your LAN

# Additional routes, optional
IP_DEFAULT_GATEWAY='' # normally not used, read documentation!
IP_ROUTE_N='0' # number of additional routes
IP_ROUTE_1='' # network netmask gateway

# Masquerading:
MASQ_NETWORK='' # networks to masquerade (e.g. our LAN)
MASQ_MODULE_N='1' # load n masq modules (default: only ftp)
MASQ_MODULE_1='ftp' # ftp
MASQ_MODULE_2='h323' # h323 (netmeeting)
MASQ_MODULE_3='icq' # icq (use with caution!)
MASQ_MODULE_4='irc' # irc
MASQ_MODULE_5='raudio' # raudio
MASQ_MODULE_6='vdolive' # vdolive
MASQ_MODULE_7='quake' # quake
MASQ_MODULE_8='cuseeme' # cuseeme
MASQ_MODULE_9='mms' # MSN-Filetransfer
MASQ_MODULE_10='pptp' # pptp
MASQ_MODULE_11='ipsec' # ipsec
MASQ_MODULE_12='dplay' # dplay (direct play)
MASQ_MODULE_13='msn-0.02' # msn zone (use version 0.01 or 0.02)
MASQ_MODULE_14='udp_dloose' # pseudo mod: some internet games need it

MASQ_FTP_PORT_N='0' # using ftp masq-module on different ports
MASQ_FTP_PORT_1='21' # standard ftp port
MASQ_FTP_PORT_2='2021' # additional port

# Optional package: PORTFW
# If you set OPT_PORTFW='yes', you can also edit opt/etc/portfw.sh
OPT_PORTFW='no' # install port forwarding tools/modules
PORTFW_N='0' # how many portforwardings to set up
PORTFW_1='8080 tcp' # sample 1: forward ext. port 8080 to int.
# host to port 80 (use tcp)
PORTFW_2='3000-3010 tcp' # sample 2: forward portrange to int.
# (use tcp)

# Routing without masquerading
ROUTE_NETWORK='' # optional: route from/to network, no masq

# Routing: internal hosts to deny forwarding
FORWARD_DENY_HOST_N='0' # number of denied hosts
FORWARD_DENY_HOST_1='' # optional: 1st denied host
FORWARD_DENY_HOST_2='' # optional: 2nd denied host

# Routing: ports to reject/deny forwarding (from inside and outside!)
FORWARD_DENY_PORT_N='1' # no. of ports to reject/deny
FORWARD_DENY_PORT_1='137:139 REJECT' # deny/reject forwarding of netbios
FORWARD_TRUSTED_NETS='' # but allow forwarding between LANs

# Firewall: ports to reject/deny from outside (all served ports)
# here we leave two ports untouched:
# 53 dns
# 113 auth
FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_N='6' # no. of ports to reject/deny
FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_1='0:52 REJECT' # privileged ports: reject or deny
FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_2='54:112 REJECT' # privileged ports: reject or deny
FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_3='114:1023 REJECT' # privileged ports: reject or deny
FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_4='5000:5001 REJECT' # imond/telmond ports: reject or deny
FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_5='8000 REJECT' # proxy access: reject or deny
FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_6='20012 REJECT' # vbox server access: reject or deny

FIREWALL_DENY_ICMP='no' # deny icmp (ping): yes or no
FIREWALL_LOG='yes' # log access to rejected/denied ports

# Domain configuration:
START_DNS='yes' # start dns server: yes or no
DNS_FORWARDERS='' # DNS servers of your provider, e.g. MSN
DNS_VERBOSE='no' # log queries in /usr/local/ens/ens.log
DOMAIN_NAME='lan.fli4l' # your domain name
DNS_FORBIDDEN_N='0' # number of forbidden domains
DNS_FORBIDDEN_1='foo.bar' # 1st forbidden domain
DNS_FORBIDDEN_2='bar.foo' # 2nd forbidden domain
HOSTS_N='4' # number of hosts in your domain
HOST_1=' fli4l' # 1st host: ip and name
HOST_2=' client2' # 2nd host: ip and name
HOST_3=' client3' # 3rd host: ip and name
HOST_4=' client4' # 4th host: ip and name

# Special DNS configuration
DNS_N='0' # number of special dns servers, normally
#DNS_1='firma.de' # 1st special dns server for firma.de
#DNS_2='lan.firma.de' # 2nd special dns server for lan.firma.de

# imond configuration:
START_IMOND='yes' # start imond: yes or no
IMOND_PORT='5000' # TCP-Port, see also FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_x!
IMOND_PASS='' # imond-password, may be empty
IMOND_ADMIN_PASS='' # imond-admin-password, may be empty
IMOND_LED='' # tty for led: com1 - com4 or empty
IMOND_BEEP='no' # beep if connection going up/down
IMOND_LOG='no' # log /var/log/imond.log: yes or no
IMOND_LOGDIR='/var/log' # log-directory, e.g. /var/log
IMOND_ENABLE='yes' # accept "enable/disable" commands
IMOND_DIAL='yes' # accept "dial/hangup" commands
IMOND_ROUTE='yes' # accept "route" command
IMOND_REBOOT='yes' # accept "reboot" command

# Generic circuit configuration:
IP_DYN_ADDR='yes' # use dyn. ip addresses (most providers
DIALMODE='auto' # standard dialmode: auto, manual, or off

# optional package: syslogd
OPT_SYSLOGD='no' # start syslogd: yes or no
SYSLOGD_DEST_N='1' # number of destinations
SYSLOGD_DEST_1='*.* /dev/console' # n'th prio & destination of syslog msgs
SYSLOGD_DEST_2='*.* @' # example: loghost
SYSLOGD_DEST_3='kern.info /var/log/dial.log' # example: log infos

# optional package: klogd
OPT_KLOGD='no' # start klogd: yes or no

# optional package: y2k correction
OPT_Y2K='no' # y2k correction: yes or no
Y2K_DAYS='' # correct hardware Y2K-Bug: add x days

# Optional package: PNP
OPT_PNP='no' # install isapnp tools: yes or no


Re: fli4l -Gnomemeeting/Netmeeting (IP-Telefonie)

#2 Post by Tom »

MASQ_MODULE_2='h323' # h323 (netmeeting)
wird nicht geladen

MASQ_MODULE_N='2' # load n masq modules (default: only ftp)
MASQ_MODULE_1='ftp' # ftp
MASQ_MODULE_2='h323' # h323 (netmeeting)


Re: fli4l -Gnomemeeting/Netmeeting (IP-Telefonie)

#3 Post by heinbloed »

Leider war es das nicht <img src="http://www.pl-forum.de/UltraBoard/Images/Sad.gif" border="0" align="middle">-Nachdem ich das nach Deinen angaben geändert habe klappt es leider immer noch nicht <img src="http://www.pl-forum.de/UltraBoard/Images/Sad.gif" border="0" align="middle">


Re: fli4l -Gnomemeeting/Netmeeting (IP-Telefonie)

#4 Post by Marc »


Portforwarding ist hier das Schlüsselwort.



Re: fli4l -Gnomemeeting/Netmeeting (IP-Telefonie)

#5 Post by heinbloed »

Danke <img src="http://www.pl-forum.de/UltraBoard/Images/Happy.gif" border="0" align="middle">
Und das Grauen nimmt seinen Lauf <img src="http://www.pl-forum.de/UltraBoard/Images/Sad.gif" border="0" align="middle">
Wie aktiviere ich das dann mit diesem base.txt????
Das ist ja mein vordergründiges Problem......
Lieben Gruß,

Stephan Tijink

Re: fli4l -Gnomemeeting/Netmeeting (IP-Telefonie)

#6 Post by Stephan Tijink »


wichtig ist hier, dass du in deiner BASE.TXT bei den Masquerading-Einstellungen auch angibst, wie viele Masq-Module es gibt.

> MASQ_MODULE_N='1' # load n masq modules (default: only ftp)

Hier ist die Anzahl auf "1" eingestellt. Gebe hier einfach die Anzahl deiner Module an. Bringt dich auf jeden Fall schonmal einen Schritt weiter. Die Dokumentation auf http://www.fli4l.de ist außerdem recht hilfreich.

Stephan Tijink

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